javascript - 如何使用 JavaScript 获取 CSS 属性的计算值(或指定值)(不是解析值或使用值)?

标签 javascript css

我正在寻找例如。 “宽度:最小内容”不是“宽度:210px”或“绿色”而不是“rgb(0,255,0)”。所以 $(elem).css("width") 不是我要搜索的内容。

我从 MDN 中获取命名(指定的或计算的)

The specified value of a CSS property is the value it receives from the document's style sheet. The specified value for a given property is determined according to the following rules: ...

The computed value of a CSS property is the value that is transferred from parent to child during inheritance. It is calculated from the specified value by: ...


The resolved value of a CSS property is the value returned by getComputedStyle().

For most properties, it is the computed value, but for a few legacy properties (including width and height), it is instead the used value.

The used value of a CSS property is its value after all calculations have been performed on the computed value.

一个原因是,我过度使用一些布局(几乎)只有隐式尺寸,如果我错过了 CSS 文件中的显式宽度,我会警告自己。


编辑:遍历样式表不是解决方案——这意味着对 CSS 的整个继承进行编程...


我认为您错过了 css 变量 =>

const Root     = document.documentElement
    , gRoot    = getComputedStyle(Root)
    , cssVname = '--min-content'
    , myInput  = document.querySelector('#my-input')

var  currentVal = parseInt( gRoot.getPropertyValue(cssVname) )

myInput.value = currentVal

myInput.oninput =_=>
  currentVal = myInput.valueAsNumber, `${currentVal}px`)
:root {
  --min-content: 210px;

div {
  height: 20px;
  width: var(--min-content);
  background-color : rgb(27, 117, 90);
  margin: 20px;

<input id="my-input" type="number" min="100" max="300" step="10" value="210">

您还可以使用主题 => How to over ride css prefers-color-scheme setting

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