swift - 是否可以使用 Swift 将元组放入枚举中?

标签 swift enums tuples


enum FruitTuple
    static let Apple = (shape:"round",colour:"red")
    static let Orange = (shape:"round",colour:"orange")
    static let Banana = (shape:"long",colour:"yellow")


static func PrintFruit(fruit:FruitTuple)
    let shape:String = fruit.shape
    let colour:String = fruit.colour

    print("Fruit is \(shape) and \(colour)")

fruit.shapefruit.colour 上我得到错误:



enum FruitTuple:(shape:String, colour:String)
    static let Apple = (shape:"round",colour:"red")
    static let Orange = (shape:"round",colour:"orange")
    static let Banana = (shape:"long",colour:"yellow")


从非命名类型继承 '(shape: String, colour: String)'



正如@MartinR 所指出的。此外,根据 Apple 文档,“枚举案例可以指定任何类型的关联值与每个不同的案例值一起存储”。如果您想继续使用 enum,您可能需要执行以下操作:

static func PrintFruit(fruit:FruitTuple.Apple)
    let shape:String = fruit.shape
    let colour:String = fruit.colour

    print("Fruit is \(shape) and \(colour)")

我不确定你想要什么,但我想使用 typealias 可以帮助实现你的目标。

typealias FruitTuple = (shape: String, colour: String)

enum Fruit
    static let apple = FruitTuple("round" , "red")
    static let orange = FruitTuple("round", "orange")
    static let banana = FruitTuple("long", "yellow")

func printFruit(fruitTuple: FruitTuple)
    let shape:String = fruitTuple.shape
    let colour:String = fruitTuple.colour

关于swift - 是否可以使用 Swift 将元组放入枚举中?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44972847/


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