html - 如何在减小屏幕宽度的同时防止覆盖图像上的文本

标签 html css


“这是部分网站 build ,我尝试在代码中使用一些 css3 属性,但无法解决问题”

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
            height: 430px;
            background: #fff;
        #facilities .facility-img {
            width: 40%;
            float: left;
        #facilities .facility-img img{
            width: 600px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            padding: 30px 70px;
        #facilities .facility-info{
            float: right;
            width: 50%;
            text-align: center;
            padding-top: 60px;
        #facilities .facility-info h1{
            color: #333;
        #facilities .facility-info  p{
            color: #333;
    <section id="facilities">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="facility-img ">
                <img src="" alt="facility-photo">
            <div class="facility-info">
                <h1>In a hospital , half of the patients get better food than at home.</h1>
                <p>~Gerhard KocSher</p>
                <p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Sit autem ducimus delectus nam aut neque vitae, ab repellendus, qui, quibusdam eum commodi sunt? Non veniam quos illo, assumenda doloremque sit possimus sunt architecto quo neque doloribus provident consequuntur eius error.


将图像上的 width: 600px 更改为 width: 100%

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