ios - 从视频 AVFoundation 中提取音频

标签 ios swift avfoundation

func extractAudioFromVideo(videoUrl:NSURL, audioPath:String){
    var asset = AVURLAsset(URL: videoUrl, options: nil)
    asset.loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys(NSArray(object: "tracks") as [AnyObject], completionHandler: { () -> Void in
        var audioTrack = asset.tracksWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio)[0] as! AVAssetTrack

        var audioComposition = AVMutableComposition()

        var audioCompositionTrack:AVMutableCompositionTrack!

        audioCompositionTrack = audioComposition.addMutableTrackWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio, preferredTrackID: CMPersistentTrackID())
        audioCompositionTrack.insertTimeRange(audioTrack.timeRange, ofTrack: audioTrack, atTime: CMTimeMake(0, 1), error: nil)

        var exportSession = AVAssetExportSession(asset: audioComposition, presetName: AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4A)
        var toFileUrl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: audioPath)

        exportSession.outputURL = toFileUrl
        exportSession.outputFileType = ""

        exportSession.exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler({ () -> Void in
            if exportSession.status == AVAssetExportSessionStatus.Completed {
                println("not working")





var outStr = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("cheeseburger", ofType: "m4a")




我已经重写了 Swift 4.0 的答案,因为一些 API 更改打破了前一个。

import AVFoundation

extension AVAsset {
    // Provide a URL for where you wish to write
    // the audio file if successful
    func writeAudioTrack(to url: URL,
                         success: @escaping () -> (),
                         failure: @escaping (Error) -> ()) {
        do {
            let asset = try audioAsset()
            asset.write(to: url, success: success, failure: failure)
        } catch {

    private func write(to url: URL,
                       success: @escaping () -> (),
                       failure: @escaping (Error) -> ()) {
        // Create an export session that will output an
        // audio track (M4A file)
        guard let exportSession = AVAssetExportSession(asset: self,
                                                       presetName: AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4A) else {
                                                        // This is just a generic error
                                                        let error = NSError(domain: "domain",
                                                                            code: 0,
                                                                            userInfo: nil)


        exportSession.outputFileType = .m4a
        exportSession.outputURL = url

        exportSession.exportAsynchronously {
            switch exportSession.status {
            case .completed:
            case .unknown, .waiting, .exporting, .failed, .cancelled:
                let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil)

    private func audioAsset() throws -> AVAsset {
        // Create a new container to hold the audio track
        let composition = AVMutableComposition()
        // Create an array of audio tracks in the given asset
        // Typically, there is only one
        let audioTracks = tracks(withMediaType: .audio)

        // Iterate through the audio tracks while
        // Adding them to a new AVAsset
        for track in audioTracks {
            let compositionTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .audio,
                                                               preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid)
            do {
                // Add the current audio track at the beginning of
                // the asset for the duration of the source AVAsset
                try compositionTrack?.insertTimeRange(track.timeRange,
                                                      of: track,
                                                      at: track.timeRange.start)
            } catch {
                throw error

        return composition


asset.writeAudioTrack(to: url, success: {
}) { (error) in

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