css - 如何检索应用于 flex UIComponent 的所有样式属性?

标签 css actionscript-3 apache-flex mxml

我想通过 css 将所有样式属性/值的列表应用于 UIComponent 的选择器,但我似乎无法在任何地方找到它们的列表。

例如,我有一个 BorderContainer 并且 CSS 给了它 背景颜色:#869ca7; backgroundAlpha: .5;

我想从 ActionScript 函数中检索列表 {backgroundColor:#869ca7, backgroundAlpha:.5}。但是以适用于所有 UIComponents 的抽象方式(即我不能只调用 getStyle("backgroundColor");


  1. 感觉我应该能够通过使用 UIComponent 的 styleDeclaration 属性从 UIComponents 获取属性列表,但它似乎没有显示它具有的样式属性列表。

  2. 似乎我应该能够通过调用“uiComponent.getStyle(_)”来获取值,但这要求我已经知道属性名称。


作为引用,CSSStyleDeclaration 类: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/mx/styles/CSSStyleDeclaration.html




getStyle 代码供引用:

public function getStyle(styleProp:String):*
    var o:*;
    var v:*;

    // First look in the overrides, in case setStyle()
    // has been called on this CSSStyleDeclaration.
    if (overrides)
        // If the property exists in our overrides, but 
        // has 'undefined' as its value, it has been 
        // cleared from this stylesheet so return
        // undefined.
        if (styleProp in overrides &&
            overrides[styleProp] === undefined)
            return undefined;

        v = overrides[styleProp];
        if (v !== undefined) // must use !==
            return v;

    // Next look in the style object that this CSSStyleDeclaration's
    // factory function produces; it contains styles that
    // were specified in an instance tag of an MXML component
    // (if this CSSStyleDeclaration is attached to a UIComponent).
    if (factory != null)
        factory.prototype = {};
        o = new factory();
        v = o[styleProp];
        if (v !== undefined) // must use !==
            return v;

    // Next look in the style object that this CSSStyleDeclaration's
    // defaultFactory function produces; it contains styles that
    // were specified on the root tag of an MXML component.
    if (defaultFactory != null)
        defaultFactory.prototype = {};
        o = new defaultFactory();
        v = o[styleProp];
        if (v !== undefined) // must use !==
            return v;

    // Return undefined if the style isn't specified
    // in any of these three places.
    return undefined;

关于css - 如何检索应用于 flex UIComponent 的所有样式属性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13830532/


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