ios - 如何将 addTarget 方法更新为 swift 4

标签 ios swift xcode selector swift4


当将项目代码更新为 swift 4 时, 方法出现一些错误 我该如何解决这个错误?


var chatLogController: ChatLogController? {
    didSet {
        sendButton.addTarget(chatLogController, action: #selector(ChatLogController.handleSend), for: .touchUpInside)

       uploadImageView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: chatLogController, action: #selector(ChatLogController.handleUploadTap)))



@objc func handleSend(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer){


In Objective-C, a selector is a type that refers to the name of an Objective-C method. In Swift, Objective-C selectors are represented by the Selector structure, and can be constructed using the #selector expression. To create a selector for a method that can be called from Objective-C, pass the name of the method, such as #selector(MyViewController.tappedButton(_:)). To construct a selector for a property’s Objective-C getter or setter method, pass the property name prefixed by the getter: or setter: label, such as #selector(getter: MyViewController.myButton).

阅读更多 here , 在 Apple 文档中。

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