ios - Swift 中非可选变量可以为 nil 吗?

标签 ios swift option-type


我能否在 Swift 中创建一个普通变量(我的意思是非可选变量)并为其分配一个 nil 值,或者在应用程序生命周期的稍后时间,让它成为 nil?

这让我感到困惑,因为与传统的强大编程语言(如 Java 和 C#)相比,它有点奇怪。



The concept of optionals doesn’t exist in C or Objective-C. The nearest thing in Objective-C is the ability to return nil from a method that would otherwise return an object, with nil meaning “the absence of a valid object.” However, this only works for objects—it doesn’t work for structures, basic C types, or enumeration values. For these types, Objective-C methods typically return a special value (such as NSNotFound) to indicate the absence of a value. This approach assumes that the method’s caller knows there is a special value to test against and remembers to check for it. Swift’s optionals let you indicate the absence of a value for any type at all, without the need for special constants.


另一个优点是,当函数可以返回非值时( objective-c 中的引用类型为 nil,整数为 -1 等),您不必从可能值的范围中选择一个值某种类型的变量可以有。更不用说这是调用者和函数/方法都必须遵循的约定。

最后,如果你在代码中使用了太多的问号和感叹号,那么你应该考虑可选值是否真的适合这个问题(感谢 @David 的提示),或者在真正需要可选的所有情况下更频繁地利用可选绑定(bind)。




var x: Int // Variable declared here

for var counter = 0; counter < 10; ++counter {

var array = [1, 2, 3]

// ... more lines of code NOT using the x variable

x = 5 // Variable initialized here



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