javascript - ng Infinite Scroll、Bootstrap 3 和 AngularJS 的高度问题

标签 javascript html css angularjs twitter-bootstrap

我正在实现 ng Infinite Scroll module在我的应用程序中,我遇到了几个问题。

我目前的问题是该函数将在每个滚动事件中触发。 我在 module FAQ 中发现了对这个问题的提及。 ,但到目前为止包含一个 div 的解决方案 clear:both;在容器的末端没有帮助。


Why is ngInfiniteScroll triggering my expression on every single scroll event?

The infiniteScroll directive uses the height of the element that it's attached to in order to determine how close to the bottom of the window it is. In some cases, the browser can report a height of 0, which causes this behavior. Usually, this is due to a container element that only contains floated children. The simplest way to fix this problem is to add a "spacer" element to the bottom of the container (something like div style='clear: both;' /div); see this StackOverflow question and its associated answers for more details.


这是我的函数和一个有效的 Plunker .

    var _page = 0;
    $scope.releases = [];
    $scope.loadDetails = function(id) {
        $http.get('' + id + '/releases?page=' + _page + '&per_page=12').then(function(data2) {
            $scope.releases = data2.releases;


我相信无限滚动在这里不是问题。 我已经修复了您的代码中的一些问题,请参阅 plunk ,在我看来一切都很正常。

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