javascript - 用于样式表/Js/图像的 Rails 4 Assets 管理

标签 javascript css ruby-on-rails image

我使用的是管理主题,它有 10-15 个 CSS/JS 文件和更多图片。

我想包含它们并在新模板 admin.html.erb 中使用它们

enter image description here enter image description here


除了 application.css 之外,我是否可以使用指令创建另一个名为 admin.css 的 list 文件?

这是主题导入 Assets 的方式

enter image description here


有几件事需要用这个来解决。首先,删除那个巨大的红色和蓝色 Blob 。其次,将您的“字体”目录移到您的 Assets 目录中。然后,弹出您的 application.css 并确保它看起来像这样:

* This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files
* listed below.
* Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets,
* or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
* You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the top of the
* compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope.
*= require_self
*= require_tree .

@font-face {
    font-family: 'FontAwesome';
    src: url('fontawesome.eot');
    src: url('fontawesome.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fontawesome.svg#fontawesome') format('svg'), url('fontawesome.woff') format('woff'), url('fontawesome.ttf') format('truetype');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

这样做会自动将“stylesheets”目录中的所有样式表加载到您的应用程序中,并注册您的字体以便 css 可以使用它。第三,弹出你的 application.js 文件并确保它看起来像这样:

This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js, which will include all the files
listed below.

Any JavaScript/Coffee file within this directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts,
or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.

It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
compiled file.

Read Sprockets README ( for details
about supported directives.

= require jquery
= require jquery_ujs
= require turbolinks
= require_tree .

“require_tree”语句的作用与 application.css 中的相同语句完全相同;将所有内容加载到应用程序中。现在您可以在 View 中调用 JavaScript!


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