javascript - 如何显示 android 的启动画面? Cordova

标签 javascript css ios-simulator media-queries

这是我通过 CLI 的过程

cordova create project


cordova platform add android


i created my own res folder into the root of the project


then copied all the files to the respective folder and added the configuration to the config.xml that exists in the root of project: it looks like this


<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-port-ldpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="ldpi" gap:qualifier="port-ldpi"/>
<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-port-mdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="mdpi"  gap:qualifier="port-mdpi"/>
<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-port-hdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="hdpi"  gap:qualifier="port-hdpi"/>
<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-port-xhdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="xhdpi"  gap:qualifier="port-xhdpi"/>

<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-land-ldpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="ldpi" gap:qualifier="land-ldpi"/>
<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-land-mdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="mdpi"  gap:qualifier="land-mdpi"/>
<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-land-hdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="hdpi"  gap:qualifier="land-hdpi"/>
<gap:splash src="res/android/drawable-land-xhdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="xhdpi"  gap:qualifier="land-xhdpi"/>


but still, the splashscreen doesn't show

然后我去了 phonegap 文档,找到了一些与 splashscreen 插件相关的东西。

对我来说,不清楚应该给 foo 什么值 甚至我应该把文件放在哪里。此外,该插件没有指定它如何处理非 9patch 图像。




<gap:splash src="splash.png" width="320" height="125" />

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