ios - FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled 甚至禁用了我的电话

标签 ios swift firebase firebase-analytics

我在 Info.plist 中将 FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled 设置为 NO,因为我想自己处理 setScreenName: screenClass: 调用。

但是 Firebase 不允许我调用它。


 <Warning> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS031000] Ignoring call to setScreenName:screenClass:. Screen reporting is disabled.

我关注了This post :

If you disable automatic screen reporting, the Firebase Analytics reports will not automatically show the screen the user is on anymore. You can still call the setScreenName:screenClass: method to report the screen that the user is on.


From here

I got the answer from Firebase that On iOS, they support automatic + manual screen reporting or no screen reporting at all. Google Analytics for Firebase does NOT support the case of manual-only screen reporting. The plist flag FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled has been renamed to FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled to reduce that confusion. Note that the value must be a Boolean and not a String. If it doesn't work as you expected, you can disable screen reporting completely by adding to Info.plist the flag FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled with a Boolean value of NO.

但是,对我来说 FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled 工作。我没有将 info.plist 中的新名称更改为 FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled

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