ios - 如何在按下后退按钮时跳过上一个 View

标签 ios swift model-view-controller uinavigationcontroller


List of Friends with messages Controller(点击撰写)-> List of friends to select chatting(选择 friend )-> Show chat with friend

目前,如果在 Show chat with friend 中,用户选择 back,它会将他们带到 List of friends 以选择聊天 Controller 。 我想跳过这个 Controller ,并在返回选择时导航到 List of Friends with messages Controller

注意:List of Friends with messages Controller 嵌入在选项卡中。

我尝试使用:self.navigationController?.viewControllers.removeLast(),在选择聊天的 friend 列表之间的segue中> 将其从堆栈中移除。但是在导航到 Show chat with friend 之后,后退按钮消失了......



如果您的目标是跳过第二个 UIViewController 并从第三个 UIViewController 返回到第一个 UIViewController。试试下面的代码:

// This count will return how many view controllers are there in navigation stack
let controllersInNavigationCount = self.navigationController?.viewControllers.count

// This will pop to first UIViewController skipping second UIViewController
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self.navigationController?.viewControllers[controllersInNavigationCount!-2] as! FirstViewController, animated: true)

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