javascript - 根据结果​​在测验结束时按 ID 加载不同的 YouTube 视频

标签 javascript html css youtube switch-statement


对于那些在家玩的人,我一直在尝试为一个 uni 元素构建一个普通的 javascript 测验。我从 stackoverflow 的优秀人员那里得到了很多帮助。希望这是最后一个问题:)


我有一个多问题测验。结果记录在一个对象中。在测验结束时,当“结果”div 显示 == block 时,一个函数将计算出最终答案并编辑 innerHTML。

我想根据最终答案结果播放四个不同的 Youtube 视频之一。


        if (document.getElementById("results").style.display == "block") { // Check that we are on the 'results' stage of the quiz, ie the final page. 
            return loadYTPlayer();  

             if (finalResults == "Ninja") {
             console.log('Ninja: d2iD_j1MrJc')
             else if (finalResults == "Robot") {
             console.log('Robot: B1BdQcJ2ZYY')
             else if (finalResults == "Pirate") {
             console.log('Pirate: TzMbGPa-Vus')
             else if (finalResults == "Zombies") {
             console.log('ZombiePirates? TzMbGPa-Vus') // Zombies are lame. Moar pirates pls!

function finalResults() {   // Get the values of the answerData object to work out which result is the highest. We need to compare the results somehow.

    var theAnswer = Object.keys(answerData).reduce(function(a, b){ return answerData[a].score > answerData[b].score ? a : b });
    return theAnswer;

// Now for a prize for all those loyal quiz participants.
function loadYTPlayer() {

      var tag = document.createElement('script');

      tag.src = "";
      var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
      firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

      var player;
      function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {

        player = new YT.Player('player', {
          height: '100%',
          width: '100%',
          videoId: '',
          events: {
            'onReady': onPlayerReady,
            'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange

     function onPlayerReady(event) {;

      var done = false;
      function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
        if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {

          done = true;
      function stopVideo() {

我知道我没有正确调用函数 loadYTPlayer(),但是如果我没有将它放在函数中,视频会在页面加载后立即开始播放(尽管 div 被隐藏)。

我知道我可以使用 player.loadVideoById(vidID) 开始播放自定义视频我只是不确定何时调用与 loadYTPlayer() 函数相关的这个函数,这样视频就不会播放用户完成测验的整个时间。


编辑:我修改了代码以反射(reflect)以下两个建议。将 if 评估更改为不查看 div 显示是无还是 block 。还将链接的 IF 更改为开关。 我没有收到控制台错误“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'loadVideoById' of undefined”

if (nextQuestion == "results") { // If the nextQuestion is equal to results (the ID of the final div) we are at the end of the quiz and need to do a bunch of stuff
        document.getElementById("results").style.display = "block";

        document.getElementById("finalResulthere").innerHTML = "<p>You are a " + finalResults() + ", congratulations!</p><p>Now kick back and enjoy your prize.</p>"; // Modify the innerHTML to display the output of the finalResults function. This should display a paragraph telling us what our personality is.

        loadYTPlayer(); // We have to load the YouTube iFrame API

        var videoId = '';
        switch (finalResults) { // Find the correct video file to load by comparing the finalResults output to the available names in this switch statement. If one of them matches, assign the correct videoId to the variable of the same name. 
        case "Ninja":
            videoId = "d2iD_j1MrJc";
            console.log('Ninja: d2iD_j1MrJc');

        case "Robot":
            videoId = "4YJ3BTKMILw";
            console.log('Robot: 4YJ3BTKMILw');

        case "Pirate":
            videoId = "TzMbGPa-Vus";
            console.log('Pirate: TzMbGPa-Vus');

        case "Zombies":
            videoId = "TzMbGPa-Vus";
            console.log('ZombiePirates? TzMbGPa-Vus'); /* Zombies are lame. Moar pirates pls! */

        player.loadVideoById(videoId); // Start playing the video that matches the final personality type. 

    } else { // If the nextQuestion is not 'results' just display the next question in sequence. 

        document.getElementById(nextQuestion).style.display = "block"


试试这个 ;)

 // Check that we are on the 'results' stage of the quiz, ie the final page. 
 if (document.getElementById("results").style.display == "block") {
   /* removed return from here as we want to execute code after this statement also. */

   var videoId = '';
   switch (finalResults) {
     case "Ninja":
       videoId = "d2iD_j1MrJc"; 
       console.log('Ninja: d2iD_j1MrJc')
     case "Robot":
       videoId = "B1BdQcJ2ZYY";
       console.log('Robot: B1BdQcJ2ZYY');

     case "Pirate":
       videoId = "TzMbGPa-Vus";
       console.log('Pirate: TzMbGPa-Vus');

     case "Zombies":
       videoId = "TzMbGPa-Vus";
       console.log('ZombiePirates? TzMbGPa-Vus'); /* Zombies are lame. Moar pirates pls! */

After return statement function control is transferred from where function invoked;

将非数值用双引号引起来 "non numeric value here";

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