css - 按下后更改按钮的边框颜色

标签 css objective-c button background border


[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity1];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity2];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity3];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity4];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity5];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity6];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity7];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity8];
[m_btnEthinic addObject:btnEthnicity9];
for (UIButton* btn in m_btnEthinic) {
    btn.layer.borderWidth = 1;
    btn.layer.cornerRadius = 13;
    btn.layer.borderColor = COLOR_GRAYBORDERBTN.CGColor;
    [btn setBackgroundColor: COLOR_PURP];
    [btn setTitleColor:[UIColor whiteColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal]


有了 Storyboard,你可以这样做:

  • 将按钮拖放到 View Controller 中
  • 根据按钮设置按钮标签
  • 将按钮拖到 .h 中并为按钮创建 IBOutletCollection NSArray。将所有按钮连接到同一个 socket 。
    @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(UIButton) NSArray *btn;
  • 为所有按钮设置通用的IBAction
    - (IBAction)btnActions:(UIButton *)sender;

common IBAction for uibutton

  • 一旦创建IBActionbtnActions:方法将在.m中创建
-(IBAction) btnActions: (UIButton * ) sender {

  for (UIButton * b in self.btn) {
    //checking if already have borders for the buttons
    if (b.layer.cornerRadius == 13) {
      b.layer.borderWidth = 0;
      b.layer.cornerRadius = 0;

    //setting the borders for the selected button
    if (b.tag == sender.tag) {
      b.layer.borderWidth = 2;
      b.layer.cornerRadius = 13;
      b.layer.borderColor = [UIColor yellowColor].CGColor;

关于css - 按下后更改按钮的边框颜色,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41474478/


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