Javascript 可以在数组中进行 Push() 和 Pop() 以及图像替换工作

标签 javascript jquery html css arrays

Push() 和 Pop() 以及图像替换可以在数组中工作吗?

8 年级数学老师试图创建问题图像的幻灯片放映 pop() and push()通过基于学生 react 的图像阵列。如果学生回答正确,问题就会弹出,但如果他们回答不正确,就会被添加到队列的末尾。此外,由于删除 DOM 中的元素是 bad ,我将当前图像的 src 和 id 替换为队列中下一个元素的 src 和 id。然后数组被弹出并向前推进,但每当我输入错误答案两次时,相同的图像就会出现。

我已将保存数组的全局变量 domEls 移动到函数 retrieveAnsForImage 中,以强制它随机化数组中的图像。当我这样做时,图像会正确更改,所以我相信它是 push() 和 pop() 命令。

我包含了一个片段,它在这里不起作用,但在 Notepad++ 中表现出色。上个月我刚刚在 Codecademy 参加了 Javascript、HTML 和 CSS 的速成类(class),我对此很陌生。感谢您的阅读。

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(function() {
        $('img.card').on('contextmenu', function(e) {


        //Provide and Shuffle array function
function shuffleImgs() {
  var imgArr = [

    var currentIndex = imgArr.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;

        // While there remain elements to shuffle...
    while (0 !== currentIndex) {

        // Pick a remaining element...
        randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
        currentIndex -= 1;

        // And swap it with the current element.
        temporaryValue = imgArr[currentIndex];
        imgArr[currentIndex] = imgArr[randomIndex];
        imgArr[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
	return imgArr;

function arrStack() {
		var imgArr = shuffleImgs();
		//Map over the array to create Dom elements
        var domElements = (imgName, index) {
        var cardDiv = document.createElement('div');
		var cardImage = document.createElement('img');

        //Add img id and class = imgName;

        //Set img source
        cardImage.src = `images/${imgName}.jpg`;
		//Put it all together

        return cardDiv;
		//this notation to call nested function for Global var stack         
		this.nDomElements = function () {
                stackDomEl = domElements;
                return stackDomEl;
		//Display last element in array
		//this notation to call the nested function from outside the function
		this.nDisplayLastArr = function displayLastArr() {
                var lastImgArr = domElements[domElements.length - 1];
				//Append the elements to the DOM
				var modal = document.querySelector('div.modal');
				return lastImgArr; //Use brackets when your are returning more than one variable

    //Function called from Jquery to open prompt to answer question
function openPrompt(imageId) {
    var userAns = prompt("Please enter your answer below and click OK");

    if (userAns == null || userAns == "") {
      alert("User cancelled the prompt.  Exit and please try again!");
    else {
    /*Vain hope that I can pass imageId from click event through the user prompt
     to the answer checking function retrieveAnsForImage*/

    retrieveAnsForImage(imageId, userAns); //out of scope?

//Global variable
func = new arrStack();
window.domEls = func.nDomElements();

//Compare user responses with the question image by use of the click image id
function retrieveAnsForImage(imageId, userAns) {

    //Change these variables to the correct answer whenever this website is reused in other assignments
    var ansImage1 = "1";
    var ansImage2 = "2";
    var ansImage3 = "3";
    var ansImage4 = "4";
    var ansImage5 = "5";
    var ansImage6 = "6";
    var ansImage7 = "7";
    var ansImage8 = "8";
    var ansImage9 = "9";

    //Give students a second chance to retry a question
    //var hintCounter = 0; //include a while statement above the if statements to allow students a retry

    /*Compare user response with correct case answer and correct clicked image.
    Students may enter the right answer for the wrong image hence the &&.
    Images will always be refered to as image1, image2, etc.*/

    if (userAns === ansImage1 && imageId === "image1") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage2 && imageId === "image2") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage3 && imageId === "image3") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage4 && imageId === "image4") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage5 && imageId === "image5") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage6 && imageId === "image6") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage7 && imageId === "image7") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage8 && imageId === "image8") {

    else if (userAns === ansImage9 && imageId === "image9") {
    else {
        window.alert("Incorrect Answer");
    function correctAns(){
		//Second to last element in array
		var SecLastElArr = domEls[domEls.length - 2]; 
		//Pull image id from second to last element in array
		var nextImgId = SecLastElArr.querySelector("div > img").id;
		//Pull image id from document
		var imgId = document.querySelector("div > img").id; 
		//Student incorrect answer change im
		document.getElementById(imgId).src = `images/${nextImgId}.jpg`;
        document.getElementById(imgId).id = nextImgId;
        //Think about when the array is completely gone
        //while domEls.length !== 0;
    function incorrectAns(){
 		//Last element in array
		var LastElArr = domEls[domEls.length - 1];
		//Second to last element in array
		var SecLastElArr = domEls[domEls.length - 2]; 
		//Pull image id from second to last element in array
		var nextImgId = SecLastElArr.querySelector("div > img").id;
		//Pull image id from document
		var imgId = document.querySelector("div > img").id; 
		//Student incorrect answer change image src and id to next element in queue
		document.getElementById(imgId).src = `images/${nextImgId}.jpg`;
        document.getElementById(imgId).id = nextImgId;

		//Remove last element in array
        //move the last element to the first element in the array for another attempt
function overlay() {
    var el = document.getElementById("overlay"); = ( == "visible") ? "hidden" : "visible";
#overlay {
     visibility: hidden;
     position: absolute;
     left: 0px;
     top: 0px;
     z-index: 1000;
	 background-color: rgba(0,191, 255, 0.8);

#overlay div {
     margin: 10% auto;
     background-color: #fff;
     border:1px solid #000;
     text-align: center;

body {

#close-img {
	 float: right;
	 clear: right;
	 width: 30px;
	 height: 30px;
     bottom: 0;
	 right: 0;
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<span> "Left click to view any questions. Right click (two finger tap) to answer the question and claim the tile.  Each player must claim 4 tiles to successfully complete the assignment."</span>
	<link href=",700|Varela+Round" rel="stylesheet">
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Stack Rnd Temp.css">-->
	<script type="text/javascript" src="Stack Rnd Temp.js"></script>
	<script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="StackRndTempjq.js"></script>

<div class="title">

<div id="gameboard">  <!--Container for all nine divs-->

    <a href='#' onclick='overlay()'>Click here to show the overlay</a>
<div class="modal" id="overlay">
        <p> "Right click to answer the question"</p> 
		func = new arrStack();
		<img src="images/close.png" id="close-img" onclick="overlay()">



您的问题是 poppush 时从数组中删除最后一个元素将元素添加到数组的末尾。

您可能想要做的是使用 shift如果答案错误,则从数组中删除第一个元素并将其弹出回到末尾。

或者,您可以弹出最后一个元素并使用 unshift插入到你想要在另一个方向工作的开头。


var currentTest = null;

function getTest() {

  if (tests.length > 0) {
    currentTest = tests.shift(); // remove the first question

    return currentTest;
  } else {


var tests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  var question = "Question " + i;
  var answer = "Answer " + i;
    q: question,
    a: answer
$('#btnCorrect').click(function() {

  window.setTimeout(getTest, 750);

$('#btnWrong').click(function() {
  tests.push(currentTest); // put the question back in the array

  window.setTimeout(getTest, 750);

$(document).ready(function() {
* {
  font-family: arial;

#panel {
  height: 50px;

#answer {
  border: 1px solid #cccccc;
  background: #dedede;
  width: 400px;

#question {
  border: 1px solid #999999;
  background: #dedede;
  width: 400px;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="panel">
    <div id="answer"></div>

    <div id="question"></div>

  <input id="btnCorrect" value="Mock Correct Answer" type="button">
  <input id="btnWrong" value="Mock Wrong Answer" type="button">


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