ios - Swift - 编译器错误 - 段错误 11 - 泛型符合协议(protocol)

标签 ios swift generics

swift 1.2/XCode 6.4


public protocol MapShape : AnyObject
    func isEqualTo(other : MapShape) -> Bool


public class MapMulti<T:MapShape>
    let items : [T]
    init(items : [T])
        self.items = items
extension MapMulti : Equatable {}
    public func ==<T:MapShape>(lhs: MapMulti<T>, rhs: MapMulti<T>) -> Bool
         return true //simplify code

extension MapMulti : MapShape {
    public func isEqualTo(other: MapShape) -> Bool {
        if (object_getClassName(other) == object_getClassName(self))
            return self == other as! MapMulti
        return false


0  swift                    0x000000010a3da2b8       llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(__sFILE*) + 40
1  swift                    0x000000010a3da794 SignalHandler(int) + 452
2  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff95704f1a _sigtramp + 26
3  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff55f3c832 _sigtramp + 3229841714
4  swift                    0x0000000109d0112b swift::irgen::emitCategoryData(swift::irgen::IRGenModule&, swift::ExtensionDecl*) + 1819
5  swift                    0x0000000109d09432 swift::irgen::IRGenModule::emitExtension(swift::ExtensionDecl*) + 514
6  swift                    0x0000000109d061a4 swift::irgen::IRGenModule::emitSourceFile(swift::SourceFile&, unsigned int) + 100
7  swift                    0x0000000109d87c77 performIRGeneration(swift::IRGenOptions&, swift::Module*, swift::SILModule*, llvm::StringRef, llvm::LLVMContext&, swift::SourceFile*, unsigned int) + 2151
8  swift                    0x0000000109d88693 swift::performIRGeneration(swift::IRGenOptions&, swift::SourceFile&, swift::SILModule*, llvm::StringRef, llvm::LLVMContext&, unsigned int) + 51
9  swift                    0x0000000109cc4087 frontend_main(llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, char const*, void*) + 6647
10 swift                    0x0000000109cc24e6 main + 1814
11 libdyld.dylib            0x00007fff998e75c9 start + 1
12 libdyld.dylib            0x0000000000000069 start + 1718717089
Stack dump:

1.  While emitting IR for source file /<PROJECT>/MyProject/MapMulti.swift

导致失败的部分是扩展试图符合 MapShape 协议(protocol),如果我注释掉它编译的话。


let multipoint : MapMulti<MapShape> = MapMulti<MapPoint>(items: [P1,P2,P3])

它说 MapMulti(MapPoint) 不能转换为 MapMulti(MapShape)
即使 MapPoint 符合 MapShape,我也可以:

let shape : MapShape = MapPoint()


let multiShape : MapMulti<MapShape> = MapMulti<MapShape>(items: [P1,P2,P3])


编辑:添加了 MapPoint 实现

public class MapPoint : MapShape{
    let lat : Double
    let long : Double

    init (lat : Double, long : Double)
    { = lat
        self.long = long

extension MapPoint : Equatable{}
public func ==(lhs: MapPoint, rhs: MapPoint) -> Bool
    return lhs.long == rhs.long && ==

extension MapPoint : MapShape
    public func isEqualTo(other: MapShape) -> Bool {
        if (object_getClassName(other) == object_getClassName(self))
            return self == other as! MapPoint
        return false



public protocol MapShape // Removed the : AnyObject
    func isEqualTo(other : MapShape) -> Bool

public class MapMulti<T:MapShape>
    let items : [T]
    init(items : [T])
        self.items = items

extension MapMulti : Equatable {}

public func ==<T:MapShape>(lhs: MapMulti<T>, rhs: MapMulti<T>) -> Bool
    return true //simplify code


extension MapMulti : MapShape {
    public func isEqualTo(other: MapShape) -> Bool {
        // You can compare against dynamic class here 
        return self.dynamicType == other.dynamicType

在这个已回答的问题中有一个很好的 dynamicType 解释和示例:Identifying a subclass with Swift Generics works with custom class but not with UITapGestureRecognizer


关于ios - Swift - 编译器错误 - 段错误 11 - 泛型符合协议(protocol),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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