php - 在 Woocommerce 管理订单列表中有条件地隐藏特定操作按钮

标签 php css wordpress woocommerce orders

我想向订单管理页面添加一些 CSS 以隐藏自定义订单操作按钮,但前提是订单仅包含可下载的产品。


add_action( 'admin_head', 'hide_custom_order_status_dispatch_icon' );
function hide_custom_order_status_dispatch_icon() {
    echo '<style>.widefat .column-order_actions a.dispatch { display: none; }</style>';



使用 CSS 不可能

相反,您可以 Hook woocommerce_admin_order_actions 过滤器 Hook ,您可以在其中检查是否所有订单商品都可以下载,然后删除操作按钮 “dispatch”:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_admin_order_actions', 'custom_admin_order_actions', 900, 2 );
function custom_admin_order_actions( $actions, $the_order ){
    // If button action "dispatch" doesn't exist we exit
    if( ! $actions['dispatch'] ) return $actions;

    // Loop through order items
    foreach( $the_order->get_items() as $item ){
        $product = $item->get_product();
        // Check if any product is not downloadable
        if( ! $product->is_downloadable() )
            return $actions; // Product "not downloadable" Found ==> WE EXIT
    // If there is only downloadable products, We remove "dispatch" action button

    return $actions;

代码进入事件子主题(或事件主题)的 function.php 文件。


You will have to check that 'dispatch' is the correct slug for this action button…

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