html - CSS nth-child : How will nth-child will work even inside a container

标签 html css css-selectors


<!DOCTYPE html>
.zebra:nth-child(odd) {
    background: red;

<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>

  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>
  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>

<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>

  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>
  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>

<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>

<p><b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions do not support the :nth-child() selector.</p>


我上面有一系列带有 zebra 类的段落,但是第 nth-child 在容器内包装时会重置。是否有可能即使在容器内也不会重置?


Result of above code


Expected Result

w3schools 链接:


不幸的是,仅仅使用 :nth-child 伪类是不可能的。

不过,您可以使用 JQuery 获取页面上类的所有奇数实例并向它们添加类。使用此类,您可以根据需要设置样式。


.highlight {
    background: red;
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>


<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>

  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>
  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>

<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>

  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>
  <p class="zebra">Paragraph Inside</p>

<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>
<p class="zebra">Paragraph</p>

<p><b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions do not support the :nth-child() selector.</p>



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