html - Angular:自定义状态动画未按预期工作

标签 html css angular angular-animations

我有两个 div( parent 和 child ),我想做一个基于自定义状态的特殊动画(关闭 => 打开 && 打开 => 关闭):

  • 当状态从关闭 => 打开时:
    我希望父 div 的不透明度从 0 变为 1,子 div 的不透明度从 比例从 0.3 到 1。
  • 当状态从打开 => 关闭时:
    我希望 css 属性返回到它们的原始值(父级的不透明度为 0,子级的比例为 (0.3))

好消息是当状态变为 => 关闭 => 打开时动画按预期工作(对于两个 div)。

坏消息是当状态从 open => close 时动画不工作(仅对子 div)。


View HTML:

<div [@openClose]="opened ? 'open' : 'close'" class="parent">
    <div [@animateChild]="opened ? 'open' : 'close'" class="child">
     <p>Child content</p>


  selector: 'app-my-component',
  templateUrl: './my.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my.component.css'],
  animations: [
    trigger('openClose', [
        state('open', style({
           opacity: 1,
           visibility: 'visible',
        // when we go from close to open do these steps
        transition('close => open', [
          query(':self', [// animate div itself
              animate('200ms ease-in', style({
                opacity: 1,
                visibility: 'visible',
          query('@animateChild', animateChild())// then animate children (.child)

        transition('open => close', [
          query(':self', animate('200ms ease-in')),
          query('@animateChild', animateChild()),
    trigger('animateChild', [
       state('open', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)' })),
       transition('close => open', [
         animate('100ms ease-out')

       transition('open => close', [
         style({ transform: 'scale(0.3)', opacity: 0 }),
         animate('100ms ease-out')
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  opened: boolean;
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {}

    this.opened = true;

    this.opened = false;

在 CSS 文件中:

  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  background: black;
  opacity: 0;/* initialize opacity to 0 for the parent */
   width: 50%;
   background: white;
   transform: scale(0.3);/* initialize scale to 0.3 for the child */
   opacity: 0; /* and opacity to 0 to be invisible when component initialized */

这是 Stackblitz 上的例子:




  animations: [
trigger('openClose', [
    state('open', style({
       opacity: 1,
       visibility: 'visible',
    state('close', style({
       opacity: 0,
       visibility: 'visible',
    // when we go from close to open do these steps
    transition('* => *', [
      animate('200ms ease-in'),
trigger('animateChild', [
   state('open', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)' })),
   state('close', style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.3)' })),
   transition('* => *', [
     animate('100ms ease-out')

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