Javascript - 在游戏中更改图像位置不起作用

标签 javascript html css

我是一名 html5 程序员爱好者,经验不多,目前正在开发一款需要移动玩家/图像的游戏。下面代码的问题是,每当我右键单击播放器时,播放器只会第一次移动,然后再也不会移动。我注意到间隔也不起作用,它只调用一次函数。此外,xNum 和 yNum 变量始终保持为 0(请注意,每次调用该函数时,我的控制台都会记录它们)。我不知道我是否解释了我希望代码做得足够好,如果我没有解释,我很抱歉。继续问你可能有的任何问题。感谢您的宝贵时间!

<html oncontextmenu="return false">
    user-select: none;<!--disable highlighting of cursor-->


<img src="images/test1.png" id = "player" style = "margin-left: 300px;margin-top: 100px;position: absolute;">
<img src="" id = "cursor" style = "visibility: hidden;">

document.getElementById('cursor').ondragstart = function () { return false;     };//disable dragging of cursor

window.onmousedown = function userClicked(event) {
    if(event.button == 2){
        var x = event.clientX;
        var y = event.clientY;
        var cursor = document.getElementById("cursor");
        cursor.src = "images/testCursorWalk.gif"; = "visible"; = 'absolute'; = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
        setTimeout(function(){ = "hidden";cursor.src = "";},200)
        //after cursor is shown call player walk


function setInt(x,y){
var xNum = 0;
var yNum = 0;
var walk = setInterval(walkPlayer(x,y,xNum,yNum),100);

function walkPlayer(x,y,xN,yN){
var p = document.getElementById("player");
var style = p.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(p);

    var ix = parseInt(style.marginLeft.substring(0,1));//get x
    var iy = parseInt(style.marginTop.substring(0,1));//get y
    var plx = document.getElementById("player").style.left;//method doesnt work
    var ply = document.getElementById("player");//method doesnt work
    var xNum = xN;
    var yNum = yN;

    if(ix > x){
        xNum += 100;
        document.getElementById("player").style.left = xNum+'px';
    else if(ix < x){
        xNum -= 100;
        document.getElementById("player").style.left = xNum+'px';
    if(iy > y){
        ply += 1000 +'px';//doesnt work with variables like ply
    }                     //...
    else if(iy < y){      //...
        ply -= 1000 +'px';//have to instead use the whole document.getElement...

    if(iy == y && ix == x){
    alert("destination reached!")
        clearInterval(walk);//this wouldnt work as 'var walk' is private right?






setTimeout 和 mousedown 事件只触发一次。您可以使用 setInterval 来连续更新 Angular 色。然后在按下或释放鼠标时更改速度。

let position = 0
let speed = 0
let cursor = document.getElementById("cursor")

function updatePosition(){
   position += speed = position + 'px'

function startWalking(){
   cursor.src = "images/testCursorWalk.gif"
   this.speed = 5

function stopWalking(){
   cursor.src = "images/stop.gif"
   this.speed = 0

window.addEventListener("mousedown", ()=> startWalking())
window.addEventListener("mouseup", ()=> stopWalking())
setInterval(()=>updatePosition(), 100)

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