CSS 空白在 rtl 和 ltr 文本相遇的地方折叠

标签 css whitespace

在 HTML 页面中,即使使用 white-space: pre;rtlltr 文本交界处的空白也会折叠在 CSS 中。


... text that precedes the occurrence and text that follows it ...
... and here is one more occurrence which is also centered ...

一个解决方法是在中心“出现”范围的开头包含一个空格(如我的 JSFiddle 中的第一个示例),但我认为这并不优雅。是否有更简洁的方法来强制前面文本中的最后一个空白正确显示?

p {
  display: flex;
  white-space: pre;

span {
  white-space: pre;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  flex-basis: 50%;

span:first-child {
  text-align: right;
  direction: rtl;

span.centre {
  font-weight: bold;
  flex-basis: auto;

span:last-child {
  text-align: left
  <p><span>long piece of text that comes before an </span><span class="centre">occurrence</span><span> of a word in a given corpus, and that I want to show centered...</span></p>
  <p><span>text that precedes a completely different </span> <span class="centre">occurrence</span><span> of the same word elsewhere in the same corpus...</span></p>
  <p><span>It makes sense to consider that the word </span><span class="centre">occurs</span><span> should also be included since it has the same root as ...</span></p>



在不影响 html 的情况下,您可以使用 CSS 在 :before 伪元素中放置一个空格。您还可以将它添加到 :after,这样即使您的文本在标签内没有空格,空格也会在单词的两边都可见。


p {
  display: flex;
  white-space: pre;

span {
  white-space: pre;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  flex-basis: 50%;

span:first-child {
  text-align: right;
  direction: rtl;

span.centre {
  font-weight: bold;
  flex-basis: auto;

span.centre:before {
    content: " ";

span:last-child {
  text-align: left
  <p><span>long piece of text that comes before an </span><span class="centre">occurrence</span><span> of a word in a given corpus, and that I want to show centered...</span></p>
  <p><span>text that precedes a completely different </span> <span class="centre">occurrence</span><span> of the same word elsewhere in the same corpus...</span></p>
  <p><span>It makes sense to consider that the word </span><span class="centre">occurs</span><span> should also be included since it has the same root as ...</span></p>

关于CSS 空白在 rtl 和 ltr 文本相遇的地方折叠,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52589862/



vim - Vim 中 Tab 键 == 4 个空格并在大括号后自动缩进

keyboard - CTRL+M 和 Enter 一样吗?

xml - XSL 完全删除注释(包括空格)

jquery - Popup Jquery 适用于除 IE7 以外的所有浏览器

javascript - 如何使用 jquery 获取选择框选项中类的值

html - flex 调整内容 : center overwrite

html - 如何删除底部伪元素之后和之前的空格?

php - 压缩 HTML 标记中属性之间的空格

git - 应用 git 补丁时忽略上下文行中的空格差异