html - 如果 :active isn't working?,如何更改链接的事件颜色

标签 html css

我试图让每个链接内的 class="H"在选择该链接时改变颜色。我尝试使用 a:active{ color:#17CCB2; } 然后 .H a:active { 颜色:#17CCB2; } 在 CSS 中,当我点击链接时似乎都没有改变颜色。这是我的 HTML 片段:

<div class="solution">
        <li><a id="FirstLink" href="javascript:" onclick="changeImg('images/auto-simp.gif');"><p class="solution-body"><span class="H">Auto Simplify</span><br>Automatically applies the Simplify Graphics for users that don't have the design tools, skills, or time to apply the SUI technique to their content.</p></a></li>
        <li><a id="AC" href="javascript:" onclick="changeImg('images/auto-colors@2x.png')"><p class="solution-body"><span class="H">Auto Color Palette</span><br>Technical communicators and trainers often deal with content that regularly updates or needs to be translated for multiple languages.</p></a></li>
        <li><a id="SG" href="javascript:" onclick="changeImg('images/simplifylaptop@2x.png')"><p class="solution-body"><span class="H">Simplify Graphics</span><br>Technical communicators and trainers often deal with content that regularly updates or needs to be translated for multiple languages.</p></a></li>



我使用了您的代码并稍作修改。如果你只是想在你的 .H 类中定位代码,那么使用代码段中显示的 CSS (.H:active { color:#17CCB2; } ) 正如其他人所说,这确实可以正常工作,我将其放入一个片段中,以便您可以运行它并亲自查看。

.H:active { color:#17CCB2; }
<div class="solution">
                            <li><a id="FirstLink" href="javascript:" onclick="changeImg('images/auto-simp.gif');"><p class="solution-body"><span class="H">Auto Simplify</span><br>Automatically applies the Simplify Graphics for users that don't have the design tools, skills, or time to apply the SUI technique to their content.</p></a></li>
                            <li><a id="AC" href="javascript:" onclick="changeImg('images/auto-colors@2x.png')"><p class="solution-body"><span class="H">Auto Color Palette</span><br>Technical communicators and trainers often deal with content that regularly updates or needs to be translated for multiple languages.</p></a></li>
                            <li><a id="SG" href="javascript:" onclick="changeImg('images/simplifylaptop@2x.png')"><p class="solution-body"><span class="H">Simplify Graphics</span><br>Technical communicators and trainers often deal with content that regularly updates or needs to be translated for multiple languages.</p></a></li>

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