html - Unicode 中的软连字符不呈现

标签 html css web unicode html-entities

我创建了一组 CSS 实用程序,用于将 html 实体渲染为图标,其中大部分都在渲染。


    .u-icon-soft-hyphen::before {
        content: '\000AD' !important;

    .u-icon-copyright-sign::before {
        content: '\000A9' !important;

This is the test .如果您搜索 u-icon-soft-hyphen,您将看到它没有呈现。



软连字符不应该像那样按需显示。来自 Wikipedia :

[The soft hyphen] serves as an invisible marker used to specify a place in text where a hyphenated break is allowed without forcing a line break in an inconvenient place if the text is re-flowed. It becomes visible only after word wrapping at the end of a line.

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