css - IE8 在 Ubuntu LTS 服务器上表现怪异

标签 css ubuntu internet-explorer-8 centos margin

我最近遇到了一个 IE8 错误,其中边距折叠 b/w 两个水平元素。我通过用填充替换边距来解决它。

但奇怪的是它只特定于“Ubuntu LTS 服务器”!它在我的暂存站点 (Cent OS) 中运行良好。




但是,我猜测您的暂存站点位于 localhost 或 IE 视为本地的其他地址。在这种情况下,"smart defaults" kick in (强调我的)

A large number of line-of-business websites are Internet Explorer 7 capable today. In order to preserve compatibility, Internet Explorer 8 ships with smart defaults based on zone evaluation. In the default state, all sites on the public internet display in Internet Explorer 8 Standards mode (Compatibility View off) and all intranet websites display in Internet Explorer 7 Standards mode (Compatibility View on).


If you navigate to sites on your local intranet like http://myPortal and http://sharepoint/sites/mySite, Internet Explorer 8 identifies itself with a User Agent string of ‘7’, Version Vector of ‘7’, and displays webpages that trigger standards mode in Internet Explorer 7 Standards mode. This combination allows webpages that worked correctly in Internet Explorer 7 to continue to do so in IE8.

关于css - IE8 在 Ubuntu LTS 服务器上表现怪异,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6094088/


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