ios - swift ios 扩展使用 xcode10 给出段错误 11

标签 ios swift segmentation-fault xcode10

我正在使用 swift 3.1、xcode 10 beta、cocapods 1.5.3

extension WithdrawFlow where Self: ViewcontrollerAnimatedTransition {
func navigate()

但编译器在扩展所在的行崩溃主要是由于使用了“where Self: ViewcontrollerAnimatedTransition”

xcode 9 工作正常。但 xcode 10 在下面给出:

  1. While emitting SIL for 'navigateInFlow(_:)' at Flow.swift:9:3
  2. While silgen emitFunction SIL function "@$S12module12FilePAASo41ViewcontrollerAnimatedTransitionRzrlE010navigateInE0yySSF". for 'navigate(_:)' at Flow.swift:9:3 error: Segmentation fault: 11




我遇到了这个问题,通过更改包含具有默认值的 inout 参数的函数解决了这个问题。告诉我错误的函数是我的应用程序中第一次调用它的地方。


 /// Creates a new Icon button with the specified tint color, image and pulse animation
    convenience init(withTintColor tint: inout BehaviorRelay<UIColor> = UIColor.navBarTintColor,
                     tintedImage: UIImage?,
                     pulseAnimation: PulseAnimation = .centerRadialBeyondBounds
        ) {
        self.init(image: tintedImage?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
        self.pulseAnimation = pulseAnimation
        _ = (tint ?? UIColor.navBarTintColor).asObservable().subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (newColor) in
            self?.tintColor = newColor
            self?.imageView?.tintColor = newColor


 /// Creates a new Icon button with the specified tint color, image and pulse animation
    convenience init(tintedImage: UIImage?,
                     pulseAnimation: PulseAnimation = .centerRadialBeyondBounds
        ) {
        self.init(image: tintedImage?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
        self.pulseAnimation = pulseAnimation
        _ = UIColor.navBarTintColor.asObservable().subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (newColor) in
            self?.tintColor = newColor
            self?.imageView?.tintColor = newColor

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