swift - Swift 中的元组和函数参数

标签 swift tuples

在 Swift 中,元组与函数参数有什么关系?




func testFunctionUsingTuple()->(Int, String)->Void {
    func t(x:(Int, String)) {
        print("\(x.0) \(x.1)")

    return t

func testFuncUsingArgs()->(Int, String)->Void {
    func t(x:Int, y:String) {
        print("\(x) \(y)")

    return t

do {
    var t = testFunctionUsingTuple()
    t(1, "test")

do {
    var t = testFuncUsingArgs()
    t(1, "test")


func funcUsingTuple(x:(Int, String)) {
    print("\(x.0) \(x.1)")

func funcUsingArgs(x:Int, _ y:String) {
    print("\(x) \(y)")

// No longer works, need to call funcUsingTuple((1, "test")) instead
funcUsingTuple(1, "test")   
funcUsingArgs(1, "test3")


Chris Lattner 对元组的解释:

"x.0” where x is a scalar value produces that scalar value, due to odd behavior involving excessive implicit conversions between scalars and tuples. This is a bug to be fixed.

In "let x = (y)”, x and y have the same type, because (x) is the syntax for a parenthesis (i.e., grouping) operator, not a tuple formation operator. There is no such thing as a single-element unlabeled tuple value.

In "(foo: 42)” - which is most commonly seen in argument lists - you’re producing a single element tuple with a label for the element. The compiler is currently trying hard to eliminate them and demote them to scalars, but does so inconsistently (which is also a bug). That said, single-element labeled tuples are a thing.


每个函数只接受一个包含函数参数的元组。这包括没有参数的函数,它们将 () - 空元组 - 作为其一个参数。

以下是 Swift 编译器如何将各种括号形式转换为内部表示的方式:

() -> Void
(x) -> x
(x, ...) -> [Tuple x ...]

而且,如果有一个 tuple? 函数,它会在以下情况下返回 true:VoidX[Tuple x ...]


let t0 : () = ()
t0.0 // error

let t1 : (Int) = (100)
t1.0 -> 100
t1.1 // error

let t2 : (Int, Int) = (100, 200)
t2.0 -> 100
t2.1 -> 200
t2.2 // error

[大胆声明目前没有可用的 Swift 解释器。]

来自 AirSpeedVelocity

But wait, you ask, what if I pass something other than a tuple in? Well, I answer (in a deeply philosophical tone), what really is a variable if not a tuple of one element? Every variable in Swift is a 1-tuple. In fact, every non-tuple variable has a .0 property that is the value of that variable.4 Open up a playground and try it. So if you pass in a non-tuple variable into TupleCollectionView, it’s legit for it to act like a collection of one. If you’re unconvinced, read that justification again in the voice of someone who sounds really confident.

当我们谈到“我说土 bean ;你说土 bean 阶段。

关于swift - Swift 中的元组和函数参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31320714/


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