html - Zurb Foundation 源排序类的简单示例(w/fiddle)

标签 html css responsive-design zurb-foundation

我遗漏了一些有关 Foundation 5 中源排序类的用法(*-push-**-pull-*)的信息 我创建了一个JSfiddle 来说明我的理解与现实世界之间的差距 here

案例非常简单:我有一行和两列。在大视口(viewport)上,我希望它们并排放置,每 6 列宽。在小视口(viewport)上,我希望它们堆叠在一起,每 12 列宽,第二列现在位于第一列之上。

[ A ][ B ] --resize--> [ B ]
                       [ A ]


[ A ][ B ] --resize--> ____[ A ]
                       [ B ]____


    <div class="row ">
        <div class="large-6 small-12 small-push-6 columns large-reset-order">
            <p>A:  On large screens, I should be the first element in the row, taking up half the grid, i.e. 6 columns</p>
            <p>Then again, on small screens I should be the second element.</p>
        <div class="large-6 small-12 small-pull-6 columns large-reset-order">
            <p>B:  On large screens, I should be the second element in the row, i.e. 6 columns</p>
            <p>Of course, on small screens, I should show up first!</p>

我看到了this question但我不认为它回答了我的问题。首先,我没有使用 push-12,所以定义了一个类。其次,在我的困惑中,我所做的看起来很像 Foundation docs 的源排序部分中的最后一个示例。


    <div class="row ">
        <div class="large-6 small-12 large-push-6 columns ">
            <p>A:  On large screens, I should be the first element in the row, taking up half the grid, i.e. 6 columns</p>
            <p>Then again, on small screens I should be the second element.</p>
        <div class="large-6 small-12 large-pull-6 columns ">
            <p>B:  On large screens, I should be the second element in the row, i.e. 6 columns</p>
            <p>Of course, on small screens, I should show up first!</p>



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