javascript - 使用 javascript onmousemove 更改动画 css 属性?

标签 javascript css events animation

所以我在我的网站上做了这个小技巧,当你在屏幕上移动光标时,它会改变网站 Logo 的旋转速度。

出于某种原因,我似乎无法使用 js 更改即时旋转元素的动画属性。我还添加了一个文本框来显示我用于 Logo 旋转速度的鼠标 X 位置,并且它正确显示了字符串,所以我猜它可能是一个愚蠢的语法错误。

<style type="text/css">
#logorota {

    animation: 15s linear 0s normal none infinite rot_inf;    

@keyframes rot_inf {

    0% {    
        transform: rotate(0deg);        

    100% {  
        transform: rotate(359deg);      



        document.onmousemove = mousePos, logoSpeed;

            function mousePos (x) {

                var mouseX = x.pageX / 100;

                document.mouseMovs.mousePos.value = mouseX + "s linear 0s normal none infinite rot_inf"; //displays the string correctly.

            function logoSpeed (x)

                var mouseX = x.pageX / 100;
                document.getElementById('logorota').style.animation = mouseX + "s linear 0s normal none infinite rot_inf";


        <img src="logorota.png" id="logorota">

        <form name="mouseMovs">
        <input type="text" name="mousePos" /> Mouse position <br />     



我这里有一个 webkit 的解决方案,可以正常工作。动态更改这些值有点棘手。


如果你使用它,你会想改变很多东西。至少确保样式表索引是好的等等。在这种情况下,我使用 1,因为那是 jsFiddle 样式表索引。

编辑:现在也适用于 firefox


document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {

    Rotator.init(event, document.getElementsByClassName("img")[0]);

}, false);


var Rotator = {

    init: function(event, element_) {

        var element = element_,
            compatibility = {
                prefixes: ["-webkit-", "-moz-"],
            browserEvent = event.clientX,
            stylesheet = 0;

        for (var k in compatibility) {

            if (k === "prefixes") {

                for (var i = 0; i < compatibility[k].length; i += 1) {

                    if (window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(compatibility[k][i] + "transform") !== null) {

                        browserPrefix = compatibility.prefixes[i];

        this.rotate(element, browserPrefix, browserEvent, stylesheet);

    rotate: function(element_, browserPrefix_, browserEvent_, stylesheet_) {

        var element = element_,
            className = element.className,
            browserPrefix = browserPrefix_,
            browserEvent = browserEvent_,
            stylesheet = stylesheet_,
            blanks = [
                "@" + browserPrefix + "keyframes ",
                " {from{" + browserPrefix + "transform:rotate( ",
                "deg);}to{" + browserPrefix + "transform:rotate(",
                "{" + browserPrefix + "animation-name:",
                ";" + browserPrefix + "animation-timing-function:linear;" + browserPrefix + "animation-iteration-count:infinite;" + browserPrefix + "animation-duration:",
            name = "rotating" + browserEvent,
            speed = String(browserEvent / 100),
            transform = window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(browserPrefix + "transform"),
            values, a, b, angle, toAngle;

        if (transform !== "none") {

            values = transform.split('(')[1];
            values = values.split(')')[0];
            values = values.split(',');
            a = values[0];
            b = values[1];

            angle = Math.round(Math.atan2(b, a) * (180 / Math.PI));

        toAngle = 360 + angle;

        document.styleSheets[stylesheet].insertRule(blanks[0] + name + blanks[1] + angle + blanks[2] +

        (function () {

            if (!toAngle) {

                return 10;

            } else {

                return toAngle;
        }()) + blanks[3], 0);

        document.styleSheets[stylesheet].insertRule(blanks[4] + className + blanks[5] + name + blanks[6] + speed + blanks[7], 0);

        if (document.styleSheets[stylesheet].cssRules.length > 8) {
            for (var rules = document.styleSheets[stylesheet].cssRules.length; rules > 2; rules -= 1) {
                document.styleSheets[stylesheet].deleteRule([rules] - 1);

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