Swift 5 : String. UTF16View.Index(encodedOffset: l) 弃用

标签 swift swift5

我正在使用此代码将连字符插入字符串以实现更好的自动换行。使用 Swift 5 我得到的信息是

String.UTF16View.Index(encodedOffset: l)


import Foundation

extension String {

    func hyphenated(languageCode: String) -> String {
        let locale = Locale(identifier: languageCode)
        return self.hyphenated(locale: locale)

    func hyphenated(locale: Locale) -> String {
        guard CFStringIsHyphenationAvailableForLocale(locale as CFLocale) else { return self }

        var s = self

        let fullRange = CFRangeMake(0, s.utf16.count)
        var hyphenationLocations = [CFIndex]()
        for (i, _) in s.utf16.enumerated() {
            let location: CFIndex = CFStringGetHyphenationLocationBeforeIndex(s as CFString, i, fullRange, 0, locale as CFLocale, nil)
            if hyphenationLocations.last != location {

        for l in hyphenationLocations.reversed() {
            guard l > 0 else { continue }
            let strIndex = String.UTF16View.Index(encodedOffset: l)
            // insert soft hyphen:
            s.insert("\u{00AD}", at: strIndex)
            // or insert a regular hyphen to debug:
            // s.insert("-", at: strIndex)

        return s


l 是字符串 s 中 UTF-16 代码单元的偏移量,因此您可以替换

let strIndex = String.UTF16View.Index(encodedOffset: l)


let strIndex = s.utf16.index(s.utf16.startIndex, offsetBy: l)


let strIndex = String.Index(utf16Offset: l, in: s)

这是在 Swift 5 中引入的 SE-0241 Deprecate String Index Encoded Offsets .

关于Swift 5 : String. UTF16View.Index(encodedOffset: l) 弃用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55378537/


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