html - 将 DIV 定位在一个地方,然后在多个地方使用

标签 html css

采用以下 HTML:

<div id="topbar">
  <div class="sitewidth"></div>
<div class="sitewidth"></div>
<div id="content" class="sitewidth front-page">

如何定位第二个 sitewidth,而不会对 topbar 中的 sitewidth 和下一个 div 中的 sitewidth 触发相同的效果?

请注意,我无法访问 HTML,我只能使用 CSS!



sitewidth is used on multiple places, also right after this one again. It is, however, the 2nd time it gets used and I think that's how it always is (in other words: as far as I know, nothing gets in between topbar and the second sitewidth


<div id="topbar">
  <div class="sitewidth"></div>
<div class="sitewidth"></div>


#topbar + .sitewidth {
your styles here

这只会针对 sitewidth div,它紧跟 #topbar ,而不是其他。。

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