javascript - 如何使用 Web 开发人员工具正确检查 jquery 和 javascript?

标签 javascript jquery html css web-developer-toolbar

我正在尝试使用网络开发工具来检查网页上的 java 脚本,但我发现很难看到网站的哪些部分正在使用 JS。

它不像 CSS 或 HTML,您可以在其中看到网站使用这些语言的每个部分。

当我设法找到任何 JS 时,我尝试删除其中的一些,但它似乎并没有改变网站的功能(不像你更改 CSS 或 HTML 时那样。)

是否有任何简单的方法来检测、提取、测试和评估站点的 javascript,以及查看站点的哪个部分正在使用特定脚本?


有一个名为 jquery.parallax 的带有 jquery 库的站点:

当您检查图像的 html 和 css 时,您会得到:

<div class="parallax-viewport" id="parallax">

        <!-- parallax layers -->
        <div class="parallax-layer" style="width: 860px; height: 273px; top: 77.08854166666667%; margin-top: -210.45171875px; left: 0%; margin-left: 0px;">
            <img src="images/parallax_sketch/0_sun.png" alt="" style="position:absolute; left:300px; top:-12px;">
        <div class="parallax-layer" style="width: 920px; height: 274px; top: 77.08854166666667%; margin-top: -211.22260416666666px; left: 0%; margin-left: 0px;">
            <img src="images/parallax_sketch/1_mountains.png" alt="">
        <div class="parallax-layer" style="width: 1100px; height: 284px; top: 77.08854166666667%; margin-top: -218.93145833333332px; left: 0%; margin-left: 0px;">
            <img src="images/parallax_sketch/2_hill.png" alt="" style="position:absolute; top:40px; left:0;">
        <div class="parallax-layer" style="width: 1360px; height: 320px; top: 77.08854166666667%; margin-top: -246.68333333333334px; left: 0%; margin-left: 0px;">
            <img src="images/parallax_sketch/3_wood.png" alt="" style="position:absolute; top:96px; left:0;">

        <!-- Rounded corners -->
        <img src="" class="tl">
        <img src="" class="tr">
        <img src="" class="bl">
        <img src="" class="br">

**OK, now there is a specific jquery file that controls the parallax function:**

// jquery.jparallax.js
// 1.0
// Stephen Band
// Project and documentation site:
// Repository:
// Dependencies:
// jquery.event.frame

(function(jQuery, undefined) {

    // Plugin name
    var plugin = "parallax";

    // VAR

    var options = {
            mouseport:  'body',    // jQuery object or selector of DOM node to use as mouse detector
            xparallax:  true,      // boolean | 0-1 | 'npx' | 'n%' - Sets axis of reaction and by how much they react
            yparallax:  true,      //
            xorigin:        0.5,       // 0-1 - Sets default alignment. Only has effect when parallax values are something other than 1 (or true, or '100%')
            yorigin:        0.5,       //
            decay:          0.66,      // 0-1 (0 instant, 1 forever) - Sets rate of decay curve for catching up with target mouse position
            frameDuration:  30,    // Int (milliseconds)
            freezeClass:    'freeze' // String - Class added to layer when frozen

        value = {
            left: 0,
            top: 0,
            middle: 0.5,
            center: 0.5,
            right: 1,
            bottom: 1

        regex = {
            px:         /^\d+\s?px$/,
            percent:    /^\d+\s?%$/

        frameEvent = 'frame.'+plugin,

        abs = Math.abs,

        pointer = [0, 0];


    function parseValue(value) { return this.lib[value]; }
    parseValue.lib = value;

    // Converts numbers or numbers in strings to boolean
    function parseBool(x) {
        return typeof x === "boolean" ? x : !!( parseFloat(x) ) ;

    function parseCoord(x) {
        return (regex.percent.exec(x)) ? parseFloat(x)/100 : x;


    function Mouse(xparallax, yparallax, decay, pointer){

        // Convert parallax options to boolean values
        var parallax = [xparallax, yparallax];

        this.ontarget = false;
        this.decay = decay;
        this.pointer = pointer || [0.5, 0.5];
        this.update = function(pointer, threshold){
            var lagPointer, x;

            // Pointer is already on target
            if (this.ontarget) {
                this.pointer = pointer;

            // Pointer has arrived within the target thresholds
            else if ((!parallax[0] || abs(pointer[0] - this.pointer[0]) < threshold[0]) &&
                    (!parallax[1] || abs(pointer[1] - this.pointer[1]) < threshold[1])) {
                this.ontarget = true;
                this.pointer = pointer;

            // Pointer is nowhere near the target
            else {
                lagPointer = [];
                x = 2;

                while (x--) {
                    if ( parallax[x] ) {
                        lagPointer[x] = pointer[x] + this.decay * (this.pointer[x] - pointer[x]);

                this.pointer = lagPointer;

    function Port(object, options){
        var self = this,
            elem = object instanceof jQuery ? object : jQuery(object) ,
            // Convert parallax options to boolean values
            parallax = [parseBool(options.xparallax), parseBool(options.yparallax)],
            // State of mouse position (0 - outside, 1 - inside, 2 - just gone outside)
            inside = 0,
            // Stores mouse position on mouseleave event

        this.pointer = [0, 0]; = false;
        this.activeOutside = (options && options.activeOutside) || false;
        this.update = function(coords){
            var pos = this.pos,
                size = this.size,
                pointer = [],
                x = 2;

            // Is mouse inside port?
            // Yes.
            if ( inside > 0 ) {
                // But it just went outside, so make this the last move
                // Use leaveCoords stored by mouseleave event
                if ( inside === 2 ) {
                    inside = 0;
                    if (leaveCoords) {
                        coords = leaveCoords

                while (x--) {
                    if ( parallax[x] ) {
                        pointer[x] = (coords[x] - pos[x]) / size[x] ;
                        pointer[x] = pointer[x] < 0 ? 0 : pointer[x] > 1 ? 1 : pointer[x] ;

       = true;
                this.pointer = pointer;
            // No.
            else {
       = false;
        this.updateSize = function(){
            var width = elem.width(),
                height = elem.height();

            self.size = [width, height];
            self.threshold = [ 1/width, 1/height ];
        this.updatePos = function(){
            var offset = elem.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0},
                left = parseInt(elem.css('borderLeftWidth')) + parseInt(elem.css('paddingLeft')),
                top = parseInt(elem.css('borderTopWidth')) + parseInt(elem.css('paddingTop'));

            self.pos = [offset.left + left, + top];

        // Update mouseport dimensions on window resize
        .bind('resize.'+plugin, self.updateSize)
        .bind('resize.'+plugin, self.updatePos);

        // Detect entry and exit of mouse
        .bind('mouseenter.'+plugin, function(e){
            inside = 1;
        .bind('mouseleave.'+plugin, function(e){
            inside = 2;
            leaveCoords = [e.pageX, e.pageY];

        // Set up layer

    function Layer(elem, options){
        var px = [],
            parallax = [],
            offset = [],
            position = [];

        this.update = function(pointer){
            var pos = [],
                x = 2,
                css = {};

            while (x--) {
                if ( parallax[x] ) {
                    pos[x] = parallax[x] * pointer[x] + offset[x];

                    // We're working in pixels
                    if ( px[x] ) {
                        cssPosition = position[x];
                        cssMargin = pos[x] * -1;
                    // We're working by ratio
                    else {
                        cssPosition = pos[x] * 100 + '%';
                        cssMargin = pos[x] * this.size[x] * -1;

                    // Fill in css object
                    if ( x === 0 ) {
                        css.left = cssPosition;
                        css.marginLeft = cssMargin;
                    else {
               = cssPosition;
                        css.marginTop = cssMargin;

            // Set css

        this.setParallax = function(xp, yp, xo, yo){
            var p = [ xp || options.xparallax, yp || options.yparallax ],
                origin = [ xo || options.xorigin, yo || options.yorigin ],
                i = 2,
                css = {};

            while (i--) {
                // Set px flag
                px[i] = regex.px.test(p[i]);

                // Convert origin to numbers
                if (typeof origin[i] === 'string') {
                    origin[i] = origin[i] === undefined ? 1 :
                                value[ origin[i] ] || parseCoord(origin[i]) ;

                // We're dealing with pixel dimensions
                if ( px[i] ) {
                    // Set parallax
                    parallax[i] = parseInt(p[i]);

                    // Set offset
                    offset[i] = origin[i] * ( this.size[i] - parallax[i] );

                    // Set css position constant
                    position[i] = origin[i] * 100 + '%';

                // We're dealing with ratios
                else {
                    // Set parallax, converting to ratio where necessary
                    parallax[i] = p[i] === true ? 1 : parseCoord(p[i]);

                    // Set offset
                    offset[i] = parallax[i] ? origin[i] * ( 1 - parallax[i] ) : 0 ;

        this.getPointer = function(){
            var viewport = elem.offsetParent(),
                pos = elem.position(),
                position = [],
                pointer = [],
                i = 2;

            // Reverse calculate ratio from layer's current position
            while (i--) {
                if ( px[i] ) {
                    // TODO: reverse calculation for pixel case
                    position[i] = 0;
                else {
                    position[i] = pos[ i === 0 ? 'left' : 'top' ] / (viewport[ i === 0 ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight' ]() - this.size[i]) ;

                pointer[i] = (position[i] - offset[i]) / parallax[i] ;

            return pointer;

        this.setSize = function(x, y){
            this.size = [ x || elem.outerWidth(), y || elem.outerHeight() ];

        this.setSize(options.width, options.height);
        this.setParallax(options.xparallax, options.yparallax, options.xorigin, options.yorigin);


    function update(e){

        var elem = jQuery(this),
            global = ||,
            local = ||,
            port = global.port,
            mouse = global.mouse,
            localmouse = local.mouse,
            process = global.timeStamp !== e.timeStamp;

        // Global objects have yet to be processed for this frame
        if ( process ) {
            // Set timeStamp to current time
            global.timeStamp = e.timeStamp;

            // Process mouseport

            // Process mouse
            if ( || !mouse.ontarget ) {
                mouse.update(port.pointer, port.threshold);

        // Layer has it's own mouse
        if ( localmouse ) {

            // Process mouse
            localmouse.update( local.freeze ? local.freeze.pointer : port.pointer, port.threshold );

            // If it hits target
            if ( localmouse.ontarget ) {

                delete local.mouse;

                // Stop animating frozen layers
                if (local.freeze) {

            // Use localmouse in place of mouse
            mouse = localmouse;
        // Layer is responding to global mouse
        else {
            // When no longer active, unbind
            if ( mouse.ontarget && ! ) {


    jQuery.fn[plugin] = function(o){
        var global = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn[plugin].options, o),
            args = arguments,
            layers = this,
            optionsArray = [];

        if (undefined === jQuery.event.special.frame) {
            throw "jquery.parallax requires jquery.event.frame.";

        // Turn mouseport into jQuery obj
        if ( !(global.mouseport instanceof jQuery) ) {
            global.mouseport = jQuery(global.mouseport); 

        global.port = new Port(global.mouseport, global);
        global.mouse = new Mouse(parseBool(global.xparallax), parseBool(global.yparallax), global.decay);

        .bind("mouseenter", function(e){
            var i = layers.length,

            global.mouse.ontarget = false;

            // Animate unfrozen layers
            while (i--) {
                layer = layers[i];

                if (!, plugin).freeze) {
                    jQuery.event.add(this, frameEvent, update, {
                        global: global,
                        local: optionsArray[i]

        return layers.each(function(i){
            var elem = jQuery(this),

                // Construct layer options from extra arguments
                layerOptions = args[i+1] ? jQuery.extend({}, global, args[i+1]) : global ,

                // Set up layer data. Give it a local mouse 
                // initialises it to start smoothly from current position
                layer = new Layer(elem, layerOptions),
                local = {
                    layer: layer,
                    mouse: new Mouse(parseBool(layerOptions.xparallax), parseBool(layerOptions.yparallax), layerOptions.decay, layer.getPointer())

  , local);

            // Bind freeze and unfreeze actions directly to layers using
            // jQuery.event.add(node, type, fn, data)

            jQuery.event.add(this, 'freeze', function(e){
                var elem = jQuery(this),
                    global =,
                    local =,
                    mouse = local.mouse || local.freeze || global.mouse,
                    coords = coords = [
                        e.x === undefined ? mouse.pointer[0] : parseCoord(e.x),
                        e.y === undefined ? mouse.pointer[1] : parseCoord(e.y)
                    decay = e.decay;

                // Store position
                local.freeze = { pointer: coords };

                // Create local mouse, passing in current pointer with options
                local.mouse = new Mouse(parseBool(global.xparallax), parseBool(global.yparallax), global.decay, mouse.pointer);

                if (decay !== undefined) { local.mouse.decay = decay; }

                // Start animating
                jQuery.event.add(this, frameEvent, update, global);
            }, {
                global: global,
                local: local

            jQuery.event.add( this, 'unfreeze', function(e){
                var elem = jQuery(this),
                    global =,
                    local =,
                    decay = e.decay,

                if (!local.freeze) { return; }

                // Create local mouse, passing local freeze pointer with options
                pointer = local.mouse ? local.mouse.pointer : local.freeze.pointer ;
                local.mouse = new Mouse(parseBool(global.xparallax), parseBool(global.yparallax), global);
                local.mouse.pointer = pointer;

                // Override decay with decay passed as e.decay
                if (decay !== undefined) local.mouse.decay = decay;

                // Destroy local.freeze
                delete local.freeze;

                // Remove freeze class and start animating

                // Start animating
                jQuery.event.add(this, frameEvent, update, global);
            }, {
                global: global,
                local: local

    // EXPOSE

    jQuery.fn[plugin].options = options;

    // RUN

        // Pick up and store mouse position on jQuery(document)
        // IE does not register mousemove on jQuery(window)
            pointer = [e.pageX, e.pageY];

`enter code here`}(jQuery));

当我更改和删除 javascript 时,视差功能并没有消失!如果没有 javacript 仍然可以正常运行,那么这个特定的 javascript 在图像上扮演什么 Angular 色呢?


有一些简单的方法可以查看页面中存在哪些脚本。 Chrome 调试器中的源选项卡将显示给定文档中当前加载的所有脚本。除了查看脚本之外,您所要求的其余内容无法以简单、自动化的方式提供。了解脚本正在做什么或哪些脚本正在影响页面的一部分将涉及研究、理解脚本、可能的一些断点和调试以跟踪程序流程等...

I am trying to use web dev tools to inspect the java script on web pages, but I am finding it difficult to see which sections of a site are using JS.


It is not like with CSS or HTML where you can see each section that a site uses these languages.

正确的,它不像那些。 Javascript 是一种成熟的编程语言,与 CSS 和 HTML 有很大不同。

When I do manage to find any JS, I try deleting some of it, but it does not seem to alter the functionality of the site (not like when you change the CSS or HTML.)

正确,Javascript 的工作方式与 CSS 或 HTML 不同,并且在可以完成多少动态更改/重新加载 Javascript 以及在某些情况下(例如实时闭包)您不能真正做到这一点存在限制根本不需要从头开始重新初始化页面。请记住,Javascript 具有实时运行时状态,它是迄今为止运行的所有代码的产物。您不能只用新代码替换代码并保持原来的状态。


Are there any easy ways to detect, extract, test, and evaluate a site's javascript, and to see which section of the site is using a particular script?


您的问题非常笼统,您没有具体说明您要诊断或理解的任何具体内容。这使您的问题非常开放,更难提供具体建议。例如,如果您想找出按下按钮时执行的代码,可以使用一些技术来尝试查找按下按钮时运行的代码。例如,大多数调试器会显示附加到特定 DOM 元素的事件处理程序列表。这可能允许您找到在这些事件发生时运行的代码。然后您可以研究该代码以尝试弄清楚它的作用。

但是,即使那样也不一定是直截了当的,因为 DOM 支持事件传播和事件委托(delegate),因此给定 DOM 项的事件处理程序可能附加到父对象,而不一定附加到实际对象。而且,如果代码使用任何类型的库(如 jQuery),事件处理代码可能是一些通用的事件处理函数,而不是您想要查看的代码,并且找出哪些代码被调用可能需要更多的工作通用事件处理程序。

最终,精通 Javascript 和 Javascript 调试以及 DOM 技术的人最终可以弄清楚页面中的代码所做的一切,但这可能需要花费大量时间和一些人来学习如何做到这一点。这是一种通过数小时、数小时和数小时的实践以及试图理解和理解其他人的代码而获得的技能。

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