jquery - 图像 map 上的悬停和单击效果

标签 jquery html css

我创建了一个包含 6 个圆圈的图像 map 。我正在尝试在每个圆圈上添加悬停效果。

还添加了 Jquery 以在单击每个图像时显示不同的内容。它工作正常。但我也想在页面加载时显示默认内容,这是行不通的。



function codeAddress() {

window.onload = codeAddress;

document.getElementsByClassName( "p5" )[0].onclick = function(){

document.getElementsByClassName( "p6" )[0].onclick = function(){

document.getElementsByClassName( "p7" )[0].onclick = function(){

document.getElementsByClassName( "p8" )[0].onclick = function(){

document.getElementsByClassName( "p9" )[0].onclick = function(){

document.getElementsByClassName( "p10" )[0].onclick = function(){
#map14 area:hover {
    background: url('https://searchmgseo.com.au/smg/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/SEO_Icon.png');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<img class="why-img" src="https://searchmgseo.com.au/smg/wp-content/themes/smg/Images/Why_Us.png" alt="" usemap="#map14">

             <map id="map14" name="map14">

             <area shape="rect" coords="289,8,407,126" title="" alt="" href="#tt1" class="p5">
             <area shape="rect" coords="17,18,116,117" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p6">
             <area shape="rect" coords="144,201,246,305" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p7">
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             <area shape="rect" coords="16,403,116,503" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p10">

         <div class="col-sm-6 whyt">                 
                 <a name="tt1"></a>             
		   <div style="display:none;">   
            <div class="why-us">
              <h3>Why Us</h3>			
	            <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
		Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
			making it work for them. </p>
			<a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a>
			 <div class="seo">
	            <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
		Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
			making it work for them. </p>
			<a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a>
			 <div class="ranking">
              <h3>Page 1 Rankings</h3>			
	            <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
		Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
			making it work for them. </p>
			<a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a>
			 <div class="benefits">
	            <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
		Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
			making it work for them. </p>
			<a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a>
			 <div class="quality">
	            <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
		Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
			making it work for them. </p>
			<a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a>
			 <div class="faq">
	            <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
		Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
			making it work for them. </p>
			<a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a>





		$(".nav-wrap span.backer").css({"background":"url('https://searchmgseo.com.au/smg/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/SEO_Icon.png')","z-index":"999"});
		$(".nav-wrap span.backer").css({"background":"none","z-index":"100"}); 


		 		$(".nav-wrap span.backer").css({"background":"url('https://searchmgseo.com.au/smg/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/SEO_Icon.png')","z-index":"999"});





.backer { display:block; width:135px; height:129px; position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:-1; }
.nav-wrap { display:block; position:relative; }
.nav-wrap area { display:block; }
.why-img { position:relative; z-index:200; }
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
   <div class="nav-wrap"> <span class="backer"></span> <img class="why-img" src="https://searchmgseo.com.au/smg/wp-content/themes/smg/Images/Why_Us.png" alt="" usemap="#map14">
  <map id="map14" name="map14">
    <area shape="rect" coords="289,8,407,126" title="" alt="" href="#tt1" class="p5">
    <area shape="rect" coords="17,18,116,117" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p6">
    <area shape="rect" coords="144,201,246,305" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p7">
    <area shape="rect" coords="403,283,498,380" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p8">
    <area shape="rect" coords="235,403,332,503" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p9">
    <area shape="rect" coords="16,403,116,503" title="" alt=""  href="#tt1" class="p10">
<div class="col-sm-6 whyt"> <a name="tt1"></a> </div>
<div style="display:none;">
  <div class="why-us">
    <h3>Why Us</h3>
    <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
      Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
      making it work for them. </p>
    <a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a> </div>
  <div class="seo">
    <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
      Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
      making it work for them. </p>
    <a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a> </div>
  <div class="ranking">
    <h3>Page 1 Rankings</h3>
    <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
      Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
      making it work for them. </p>
    <a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a> </div>
  <div class="benefits">
    <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
      Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
      making it work for them. </p>
    <a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a> </div>
  <div class="quality">
    <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
      Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
      making it work for them. </p>
    <a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a> </div>
  <div class="faq">
    <p class="why-text">Search Marketing Group is a leader in creating unique Seo&nbsp;strategies that would help your website rank on page 1 of 
      Google for your most competitive keywords in your niche. We pride ourself on creating custom solutions for&nbsp;businesses and 
      making it work for them. </p>
    <a href="" class="btn-md">Get Quote </a> </div>

关于jquery - 图像 map 上的悬停和单击效果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32709425/


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