javascript - 将文本存储为变量然后根据变量值更改 css 样式

标签 javascript html css function

我有一些简单的 HTML:

<div>Below is the div id containing the attorney value. </div>
<div id="attorney"> 0 </div>
<div id="profiletab1">THIS IS THE DIV I WANT TO HIDE</div>

在页面加载时,当 的值 = '0' 时,我想更改 div.profiletab1 css display style="none"


<script type="text/javascript">
 function myfunc(){
   var atty= document.getElementById("attorney").value;
   if (atty=== '0'){
     document.getElementById("profiletab1").style.display = "none";
 window.onload = myfunc;


您需要获取 textContent,而不是值并 trim 它,因为那里有空格:

function myfunc() {
    var atty = document.getElementById("attorney").textContent.trim();
    if (atty === '0') {
        document.getElementById("profiletab1").style.display = "none";

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