javascript - 单击时可折叠的 div 高度问题

标签 javascript html css height

我遇到了一个关于可折叠 div 高度的奇怪问题。即使在 div 关闭/折叠后,div 的展开高度仍然存在。请引用下图

enter image description here

Javascript 在点击时将高度添加到 li。作为引用,这里是检查元素部分。

<ul id="og-grid" class="og-grid">

            <li><a target="_blank" href="" data- 
   largesrc="uploadimage/project/sfs.jpg" data-title="Website Redesign of " 
   data-type="WebSite" data-description="Website Redesign "><img 
   src="uploadimage/project/thumb/sfs.jpg" alt="img00"></a></li>

   <li style="**transition: height 350ms ease 0s; height: 719px;**" 
   <a href="#/" data-largesrc="uploadimage/project/notouch.jpg" data- 
  title="No Touch" data-type="Mobile Application" data-description="Notouch 
  is a simple but useful app that helps you to lock the screen temporarily 
  to prevent unauthorized clicks or to go to other apps from the current 
  screen. This is especially useful when you give your Phone to kids to view 
  videos or YouTube. This app will disable the touch facility temporarily."> 
  <img src="uploadimage/project/thumb/notouch.jpg" alt="img01"></a></li>

  <li><a target="_blank" href="" data- 
  largesrc="uploadimage/project/2capture.jpg" data-title="Test" data- 
  type="WebSite" data-description="hI there njwehkasd kahffhsaf sdkfhsdf 
  saklhflkdshf sdhfksdhf kldsh"><img 
  src="uploadimage/project/thumb/2capture.jpg" alt="img02"></a></li>

  <li><a target="_blank" href="" data- 
  largesrc="uploadimage/project/green.jpg" data-title="Green Homes" data- 
  type="WebSite" data-description=", due to better usage of pictures"><img 
  src="uploadimage/project/thumb/green.jpg" alt="img03"></a></li>

 <li><a href="#/" data-largesrc="uploadimage/project/leonardo.jpg" data- 
 title="Leonardo" data-type="Logo Design" data-description="The Logo design 
 . We have used the negative space design concept here to make the L hidden 
  inside a box ( Box represent a furniture)"><img 
 src="uploadimage/project/thumb/leonardo.jpg" alt="img04"></a></li>


Javascript 部分(我相信)是这样的。

  open: function () {

        setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
            // set the height for the preview and the item
            // scroll to position the preview in the right place
        }, this), 25);

    close: function () {

        var self = this,
            onEndFn = function () {
                if (support) {

        setTimeout($.proxy(function () {

            if (typeof this.$largeImg !== 'undefined') {
            this.$previewEl.css('height', 0);
            // the current expanded item (might be different from this.$item)
            var $expandedItem = $items.eq(this.expandedIdx);
            $expandedItem.css('height', $'height')).on(transEndEventName, onEndFn);

            if (!support) {

        }, this), 25);

        return false;

    calcHeight: function () {

        var heightPreview = winsize.height - this.$'height') - marginExpanded,
            itemHeight = winsize.height;

        if (heightPreview < settings.minHeight) {
            heightPreview = settings.minHeight;
            itemHeight = settings.minHeight + this.$'height') + marginExpanded;

        this.height = heightPreview;
        this.itemHeight = itemHeight;

    setHeights: function () {

        var self = this,
            onEndFn = function () {
                if (support) {

        this.$previewEl.css('height', this.height);
        this.$item.css('height', this.itemHeight).on(transEndEventName, onEndFn);

        if (!support) {

    positionPreview: function () {

        // scroll page
        // case 1 : preview height + item height fits in window´s height
        // case 2 : preview height + item height does not fit in window´s height and preview height is smaller than window´s height
        // case 3 : preview height + item height does not fit in window´s height and preview height is bigger than window´s height
        var position = this.$'offsetTop'),
            previewOffsetT = this.$previewEl.offset().top - scrollExtra,
            scrollVal = this.height + this.$'height') + marginExpanded <= winsize.height ? position : this.height < winsize.height ? previewOffsetT - (winsize.height - this.height) : previewOffsetT;

        $body.animate({ scrollTop: scrollVal }, settings.speed);

    setTransition: function () {
        this.$previewEl.css('transition', 'height ' + settings.speed + 'ms ' + settings.easing);
        this.$item.css('transition', 'height ' + settings.speed + 'ms ' + settings.easing);
    getEl: function () {
        return this.$previewEl;

return {
    init: init,
    addItems: addItems


请指教,如何解决这个问题。 (有没有CSS或者Javascript方式)


尝试在动画结束时执行命令 javascript:在包含打开图像的容器上删除 (),或清空 ()。如果在尝试这些命令后您仍然看到错误的高度,这意味着您已经在容器上应用了宽度/高度属性,因此您必须删除它们,将它们的值更改为 ''。


close: function () {
    setTimeout($.proxy(function () {            
        if (typeof this.$largeImg !== 'undefined') {


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