html - 网站上的作品引用页面,除第一行外的所有内容均缩进

标签 html css



第一行下的所有行都应缩进 30px。喜欢这里的图片:


p { padding-left:30px;}
p::first-line { padding-left: -30px !important;}


p:not(::first-line) { padding-left:30px;}


这是一些示例 HTML:

<p>Aizenberg, Edna. <em>On the Edge of the Holocaust: The Shoah in Latin American Literature and Culture</em>. Waltham: Brandeis UP/UP of New England, 2016. 200 pp. 19 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-61168-856-6.</p>
<p>Aizenberg, Edna. <em>Parricide on the Pampa? A New Study and Translation of Alberto Gerchunoff´s </em>Los gauchos judíos. 2nd edition. Madrid /Frankfurt: Iberoamericana /Vervuert, 2015. 166 pp. ISBN: 9788484898849. Contains updated introduction and bibliography.</p>
<p>Balbuena, Monique Rodrigues. <em>Homeless Tongues: Poetry and Languages of the Sephardic Diaspora</em>. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2016.</p>
<p>Blajberg, Israel. <em>Star of David in the Southern Cross: Memory of Jewish presence&nbsp;in the armed forces of Brazil – from Cabral to Haiti</em>. Resende, RJ: – AHIMTB,&nbsp;Brazilian Military History Academy, 2015. 680 pp. 330 Illustrations. ISBN: 978-85-60811-24-3.</p>

我不能像这里建议的那样只在中间添加一个跨度:Indenting the 2nd line of a paragraph with CSS因为换行符会根据屏幕宽度而改变。



p {
  padding-left: 30px;
  text-indent: -30px;
<p>Aizenberg, Edna. <em>On the Edge of the Holocaust: The Shoah in Latin American Literature and Culture</em>. Waltham: Brandeis UP/UP of New England, 2016. 200 pp. 19 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-61168-856-6.</p>
<p>Aizenberg, Edna. <em>Parricide on the Pampa? A New Study and Translation of Alberto Gerchunoff´s </em>Los gauchos judíos. 2nd edition. Madrid /Frankfurt: Iberoamericana /Vervuert, 2015. 166 pp. ISBN: 9788484898849. Contains updated introduction and bibliography.</p>
<p>Balbuena, Monique Rodrigues. <em>Homeless Tongues: Poetry and Languages of the Sephardic Diaspora</em>. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2016.</p>
<p>Blajberg, Israel. <em>Star of David in the Southern Cross: Memory of Jewish presence&nbsp;in the armed forces of Brazil – from Cabral to Haiti</em>. Resende, RJ: – AHIMTB,&nbsp;Brazilian Military History Academy, 2015. 680 pp. 330 Illustrations. ISBN: 978-85-60811-24-3.</p>

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