ios - 在 Swift 中对元组进行模式匹配时如何解包 Optional?

标签 ios swift pattern-matching option-type

在 Swift 中,有一个常见的 if let 模式用于解包可选值:

if let value = optional {
    print("value is now unwrapped: \(value)")

我目前正在做这种模式匹配,但是在 switch case 中使用元组,其中两个参数都是可选的:

//url is optional here
switch (year, url) {
    case (1990...2015, let unwrappedUrl):
        print("Current year is \(year), go to: \(unwrappedUrl)")


"Current year is 2000, go to Optional("


switch (year, url) {
    case (1990...2015, let unwrappedUrl) where unwrappedUrl != nil:
        print("Current year is \(year), go to: \(unwrappedUrl!)")


您可以使用 x? 模式:

case (1990...2015, let unwrappedUrl?):
    print("Current year is \(year), go to: \(unwrappedUrl)")

x? 只是 .some(x) 的快捷方式,所以这等同于

case (1990...2015, let .some(unwrappedUrl)):
    print("Current year is \(year), go to: \(unwrappedUrl)")

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