css - 向 css will-change 添加几个属性

标签 css




.element {
  will-change: transform, opacity;


Don’t Spam will-change Across Too Many Properties or Elements

A common initial response to seeing will-change is to assume that code like this is a good idea:

* { will-change: transform, opacity /* , ... */; }

After all, this tells the browser to go ahead and optimize everything, which has to be good right?

Wrong. The browser already tries as hard as it can to optimize everything. Telling it to do so explicitly doesn’t help anything, and in fact has the capacity to do a lot of harm; some of the stronger optimizations that are likely to be tied to will-change end up using a lot of a machine’s resources, and when overused like this can cause the page to slow down or even crash. [W3C]

关于css - 向 css will-change 添加几个属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41299063/


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