css - 将参数传递给关键帧动画

标签 css less css-animations

所以我看到了这个问题(Add argument into @keyframes property Less)但是它并没有完全解决我的问题。

.progress-anim(@percentage: 0%) {
    @-webkit-keyframes progress { 
        to { width: @percentage }

    @-moz-keyframes progress { 
        to { width: @percentage }

    @-ms-keyframes progress { 
        to { width: @percentage }

    @keyframes progress { 
        to { width: @percentage }

以上是我正在尝试做的。这个,我明白了。我不明白的是如何从 animation 属性运行它。

.progress {
    -webkit-animation: ? 2s 1 forwards;
    -moz-animation: ? 2s 1 forwards;
    -ms-animation: ? 2s 1 forwards;
    animation: ? 2s 1 forwards;

我应该为 放置什么??我不明白这一点。

我是否将 animation 调用放在 .progress-anim 中?


Please don't use Less mixins for vendor prefixing. It is better to leave that part to the libraries like auto-prefixer, prefix-free etc.


What do I put in place for the ?? I don't understand this.

您应该用动画的名称代替 ?。动画的名称是在 @keyframe 指令之后提供的名称。此处只是进度,因此 CSS 应如下所示:

.progress {
  animation: progress 2s 1 forwards;

如果您已经知道这一点并且正在尝试了解如何使用 Less 来避免多次编写动画名称,那么您可以使用如下所示的变量和参数混入:

.progress-anim(@name; @percentage: 0%) { /* name also as an extra param */
  @keyframes @name { /* set the name dynamically */
    to { width: @percentage }

.progress {
  @name: progress; /* animation name */
  .progress-anim(@name, 50%); /* pass it to mixin */
  animation: @name 2s 1 forwards; /* use variable in animation prop */


.container {
  position: relative;
  height: 100px;
  width: 500px;
  border: 1px solid;
.progress {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  height: 100%;
  width: 0%;
  background-color: tomato;
  animation: progress 2s 1 forwards;
@keyframes progress {
  to {
    width: 50%;
<div class='container'>
  <div class='progress'></div>

Do I put the animation calls within .progress-anim?


关于css - 将参数传递给关键帧动画,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41653957/


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