html - block 中具有特定类的第一个和最后一个元素的 CSS 选择器

标签 html css

我正在尝试为 block 元素中的第一个和最后一个元素设置特定类的样式。我希望设置样式的元素不是该 block 的直接后代:

<div id="list">
    <p class="line">This is the first line. I want to style this.</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>

    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">This is the last line. I want to style this too.</p>

  <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
  <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
  <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>

所以在这种情况下,我试图在#list 中选择带有类“line”的第一行和最后一行。



虽然下面的所有答案都有效,但我发现我过度简化了问题。我想要的显然不能用 CSS 完成,至少需要一些 javascript。简而言之:我有一个行数可变的表。其中一些行属于某个类别。这些行在表中的位置是可变的,实际上可以通过用户交互进行更改。但我需要在此类的第一行和最后一行中设置一列的样式。我可以添加一个代码示例,但由于给出的答案实际上解决了我原来的问题,我认为最好按原样保留这个问题(并且可能为“真正的”问题开始一个新问题)。


如果结构足够严格,您可以使用 :fist-child:last-child

#list>div:last-child>.line:last-child {
  color: green;
<div id="list">
    <p class="line">This is the first line. I want to style this.</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>

    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
    <p class="line">This is the last line. I want to style this too.</p>

  <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
  <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>
  <p class="line">Do not want to style this line</p>

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