ios - 如何接受/拒绝 EKEvent 邀请?

标签 ios swift ekevent ekeventstore ekeventkit

我想让我的用户在我的应用程序中接受/拒绝 session 邀请。

我认为我需要以某种方式更新 EKParticipantStatus,但看起来无法更新。

Apple Docs: Event Kit cannot add participants to an event nor change participant information

在此stackOverflow question有人建议带上原生的 EventKitUI,我试过这样:

  class CalendarViewController: UIViewController, EKEventViewDelegate {

        // .....

        let eventController = EKEventViewController()
        guard let eventWithIdentifier = MeetingsFetcher.eventStoreClass.event(withIdentifier: meeting.UUID) else {
            return nil
        eventController.delegate = self
        eventController.event = eventWithIdentifier
        eventController.allowsEditing = true
        eventController.allowsCalendarPreview = true

        let navCon = UINavigationController(rootViewController: eventController)

        // customizing the toolbar where the accept/maybe/decline buttons appear
        navCon.toolbar.isTranslucent = false
        navCon.toolbar.tintColor = .blueGreen
        navCon.toolbar.backgroundColor = .coolWhite10

        // customizing the nav bar where the OK button appears
        present(navCon, animated: true, completion: nil)

        // .....

        // view gets dismissed, so it does detects the action, but no effect
        func eventViewController(_ controller: EKEventViewController, didCompleteWith action: EKEventViewAction) {
              controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

native UI 显示效果很好,但按钮在 native 日历中没有任何效果。

enter image description here



PD:我在 info.plist 中有这些权限:

  • 隐私 - 日历使用说明
  • 隐私 - 联系人使用说明
  • 隐私 - 提醒使用说明


请注意,EKEventEditViewController 不是我要找的。此屏幕不允许我接受或拒绝事件,它只允许我编辑详细信息。

enter image description here


要允许用户创建、编辑或删除事件,请使用 EKEventEditViewDelegate 协议(protocol)。

let eventController = EKEventViewController()
guard let eventWithIdentifier = MeetingsFetcher.eventStoreClass.event(withIdentifier: meeting.UUID) else {
                return nil
eventController.delegate = self
eventController.event = eventWithIdentifier
eventController.editViewDelegate = self

CalendarViewController 类必须符合 EKEventEditViewDelegate 协议(protocol),并且必须实现 eventEditViewController 方法来关闭模态视图 Controller ,如下所示:

func eventEditViewController(_ controller: EKEventEditViewController, 
             didCompleteWith action: EKEventEditViewAction) {

    switch (action) {
        case EKEventEditViewActionCanceled:
        case EKEventEditViewActionSaved:


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