javascript - Jquery 和 CSS 加载不可靠

标签 javascript jquery html css

编辑:我已经做了一些故障排除来帮助并尝试确定问题可能出在哪里...如果单击“个人”链接并允许 personal/personal.html 作为普通链接继续执行,它会完美地执行每个时间。问题似乎是将/personal/personal.html 插入到 index.html 的#content_container 中……在这个问题上,Firefox 似乎比 chrom 更喜怒无常。/编辑


我正在使用预制的 Tabs JQuery 和 CSS 文件来实现我想要的外观和功能。

到目前为止,我已经能够引用 JQuery 和 CSS 文件,并在向上或向下滑动另一个 div 时用 html 文档替换 1 个 div 的内容,这会导致根据链接绘制或删除底部边框跟着。以下这些操作不会失败,始终准确。

发生的事情是“personal.html”偶尔会出乎意料地无法正确调用 JQuery 或 CSS 文件。这样标题和 div 中就没有制表符或格式,只有黑色文本。我要补充一点,第一次加载几乎每次都能正常工作,但我想避免使用简单的刷新方法,以便数据保持尽可能低且速度很快。我发现随后在“Home”和“Personal”之间点击以测试功能与我关于何时或是否调用 JQuery 或 CSS 文件的原因不符。

有时我看到当“personal.html”在加载 HTML 版本的转换过程中加载时,我可以看到纯文本,但随后文档调用 JQuery 和 CSS 并快速转换为格式。我想知道这是否是主要问题?将内容从加载延迟到调用页面格式并运行脚本可以解决问题。如果是这样,我将如何实现该解决方案?

我已经包含了我正在引用的 Responsive Tab JQuery 文档。如果需要更多代码或资源,请告诉我,我会添加它们。 personal.html 也包括在内。

我自己的 JQuery 脚本:

    $(".home_button").live('click', function() {
     $("#content_container").load("./index.html #drill_banner")
  $("#info").slideDown(1000, function() {
        $("menu").css("border-bottom", "#F93 2px Solid")

     return false;  

    $(".personal_info").live('click', function() {
     $("#content_container" ).load("personal/personal.html")
  $("#info").slideUp(1000, function() {
       $("menu").css("border-bottom", "#F93 0px Solid")

     return false;


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/responsive_tabs.css">

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css">


<div class="responsive-tabs">
    <h2>Personal Technology Services</h2>

    <div>This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. This is a body of text. 
    Content for Tab 3 

    Remote Service</h2>
    Content for Tab 3 

    <script src="">          

    <script src="">   

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/responsive_tabs.js">

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/script.js">

    $(function() {


响应式标签 JQuery

    /* ----------------
    Author: Pete Love |
    Version: 1.10
    ------------------- */

    var RESPONSIVEUI = {};

    (function($) {

    RESPONSIVEUI.responsiveTabs = function () {
    var $tabSets = $('.responsive-tabs');

    if (!$tabSets.hasClass('responsive-tabs--enabled')) {   
    // if we haven't already called this function and enabled tabs

    //loop through all sets of tabs on the page
    var tablistcount = 1;

    $tabSets.each(function() {

    var $tabs = $(this);

    // add tab heading and tab panel classes

    // determine if markup already identifies the active tab panel for this set of tabs
    // if not then set first heading and tab to be the active one
    var $activePanel = $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__panel--active');
    if(!$activePanel.length) {
    $activePanel = $tabs.find('.responsivetabs__panel').first().addClass('responsive-tabs__panel--active');

    //hide all except active panel
    $activePanel.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
    /* make active tab panel hidden for mobile */

    // wrap tabs in container - to be dynamically resized to help prevent page jump
    var $tabsWrapper = $('<div/>', {'class': 'responsive-tabs-wrapper' });

    var highestHeight = 0;

    // determine height of tallest tab panel. Used later to prevent page jump when tabs are clicked
    $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__panel').each(function() {
    var tabHeight = $(this).height();
    if (tabHeight > highestHeight) {
    highestHeight = tabHeight;

    //create the tab list
    var $tabList = $('<ul/>', { 'class': 'responsive-tabs__list', 'role': 'tablist' });

    //loop through each heading in set
    var tabcount = 1;
    $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__heading').each(function() {

    var $tabHeading = $(this);
    var $tabPanel = $(this).next();

    $tabHeading.attr('tabindex', 0);

    //create tab list item from heading
    //associate tab list item with tab panel
    var $tabListItem = $('<li/>', {
    'class': 'responsive-tabs__list__item',
    id: 'tablist' + tablistcount + '-tab' + tabcount,
    'aria-controls': 'tablist' + tablistcount +'-panel' + tabcount,
    'role': 'tab',
    tabindex: 0,
    text: $tabHeading.text(),
    keydown: function (objEvent) {
    if (objEvent.keyCode === 13) { // if user presses 'enter'
    click: function() {
    //Show associated panel

   //set height of tab container to highest panel height to avoid page jump
   $tabsWrapper.css('height', highestHeight);

   // remove hidden mobile class from any other panel as we'll want that panel to be open at mobile size

    // close current panel and remove active state from its (hidden on desktop) heading

    //make this tab panel active

    //make the hidden heading active

    //remove active state from currently active tab list item

    //make this tab active

    //reset height of tab panels to auto
    $tabsWrapper.css('height', 'auto');

    //associate tab panel with tab list item
    'role': 'tabpanel',
    'aria-labelledby': $tabListItem.attr('id'),
    id: 'tablist' + tablistcount + '-panel' + tabcount

    // if this is the active panel then make it the active tab item
    if($tabPanel.hasClass('responsive-tabs__panel--active')) {

    // add tab item

    // if user presses 'enter' on tab heading trigger the click event
    $tabHeading.keydown(function(objEvent) {
    if (objEvent.keyCode === 13) {

    //toggle tab panel if click heading (on mobile)
    $ {

    // remove any hidden mobile class

    // if this isn't currently active
    if (!$tabHeading.hasClass('responsive-tabs__heading--active')){

    var oldActivePos,
    $activeHeading = $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__heading--active');

    // if there is an active heading, get its position
    if($activeHeading.length) {
    oldActivePos = $activeHeading.offset().top;

    // close currently active panel and remove active state from any hidden heading

    //close all tabs

    //open this panel

    // make this heading active

    var $currentActive = $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__list__item--active');

    //set the active tab list item (for desktop)
    var panelId = $tabPanel.attr('id');
    var tabId = panelId.replace('panel','tab');
    $('#' + tabId).addClass('responsive-tabs__list__item--active');

    //scroll to active heading only if it is below previous one
    var tabsPos = $tabs.offset().top;
    var newActivePos = ($tabHeading.offset().top) - 15;
    if(oldActivePos < newActivePos) {
    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: tabsPos }, 0).animate({ scrollTop: newActivePos }, 400);


    // if this tab panel is already active
    else {

    // hide panel but give it special responsive-tabs__panel--closed-accordion-only class so that it can be visible at desktop size
    $tabPanel.removeClass('responsive-tabs__panel--active').slideToggle(function () {       $(this).addClass('responsive-tabs__panel--closed-accordion-only'); });

    //remove active heading class

    //don't alter classes on tabs as we want it active if put back to desktop size


    tabcount ++;


    // add finished tab list to its container

    // next set of tabs on page
    tablistcount ++;



看起来您需要允许监听 load() 完成。例如在这个片段中:

$("#content_container").load("./index.html #drill_banner", function() { 

  $("#info").stop().slideDown(1000, function() {
        $("menu").css("border-bottom", "#F93 2px Solid");



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