c++ - struct c++ 中的默认参数

标签 c++ struct



struct A {   
    int b;  
    A () {  
        b = 0;  
    int func(int t = b) {  


但我不断收到错误,我也尝试使用 static int,但出现运行时错误。

有什么方法可以使用 b 作为默认参数吗?!

当对 b 使用 static int 时,我得到:(mx 是 b,wavelet_tree 是 A)

/tmp/cc3OBfq8.o: In function `main':
a.cpp:(.text+0x2dc): undefined reference to `wavelet_tree::mx'
/tmp/cc3OBfq8.o: In function `wavelet_tree::wavelet_tree()':
a.cpp:(.text._ZN12wavelet_treeC2Ev[_ZN12wavelet_treeC5Ev]+0x42): undefined reference to `wavelet_tree::mx'
/tmp/cc3OBfq8.o: In function `wavelet_tree::build(int*, int, int)':
a.cpp:(.text._ZN12wavelet_tree5buildEPiii[_ZN12wavelet_tree5buildEPiii]+0x66): undefined reference to `wavelet_tree::mx'
a.cpp:(.text._ZN12wavelet_tree5buildEPiii[_ZN12wavelet_tree5buildEPiii]+0x73): undefined reference to `wavelet_tree::mx'
a.cpp:(.text._ZN12wavelet_tree5buildEPiii[_ZN12wavelet_tree5buildEPiii]+0x7f): undefined reference to `wavelet_tree::mx'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status



struct A
    int b;  
    A () : b(0) {};

    int func(int t) { return whatever();};
    int func()  {return func(b);};

这样,b 可以是 A 的任何成员(无论 static 与否),或者任何可访问的变量,其中 func()定义等

关于c++ - struct c++ 中的默认参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59488414/


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