ubuntu - 在 raspberry pi 4 (ubuntu 19.10) 上安装 bazel 时出现问题

标签 ubuntu raspberry-pi bazel

我试图在树莓派 4 (ubuntu 19.10) 上安装 Bazel。 我按照 install Bazel for ubuntu 中的 Bazel 安装指南进行操作. 它因错误而失败(请参阅下面的完整输出)。 运行脚本时出现此错误,但结果是成功

home/ubuntu/bin/bazel: line 89: /home/ubuntu/.bazel/bin/bazel-real: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error /home/ubuntu/bin/bazel: line 89: /home/ubuntu/.bazel/bin/bazel-real: Success

安装 bazel 命令返回此错误:

E: Unable to locate package bazel

我 gest 因为它无法安装脚本。

我尝试其他版本的结果相同,我做错了什么? 树莓派 4/ubuntu 19.10 是否支持 f?

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ./bazel-1.1.0-installer-linux-x86_64.sh --user

Bazel installer

Bazel is bundled with software licensed under the GPLv2 with Classpath exception. You can find the sources next to the installer on our release page: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases

Release 1.1.0 (2019-10-21)

Baseline: d9fe1d4078c25912427c9b2e79e115f4ee9b7ab8

Cherry picks:

  • 0a8071af47223989e9ba335e63b8a9595fe6f10f: Upgrade java_tools to javac11-v6.1

Important changes:

  • The query flag "--host_deps" (commonly used as "--nohost_deps") has been renamed to "--tool_deps", and now also removes dependencies in any execution configuration from being reported in the query output. The previous flag name is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • The cc_common.{compile,link} APIs can now be used without passing the --experimental_cc_skylark_api_enabled_packages flag.
  • A list of log paths will be provided in build output.
  • Improve runfiles documentation.
  • Improve documentation on rule outputs.
  • BUILD/.bzl execution errors cause execution to stop, even at top-level
  • Multiple Starlark validation errors are reported in a single pass.
  • Introduce --experimental_nested_set_as_skykey_threshold

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Andrew Suffield, Austin Schuh, Bor Kae Hwang, Brian Richardson, Christy Norman, Clint Harrison, Dan Halperin, Dave Lee, David Neil, David Ostrovsky, George Gensure, Greg Estren, Greg, Jacob Parker, Jakub Bujny, John Millikin, Keith Smiley, Laurent Le Brun, marcohu, Marwan Tammam, Mostyn Bramley-Moore, Stepan Koltsov, Thi Don, Thi, Tomasz Strejczek.

Build information

  • Commit Uncompressing....../home/ubuntu/bin/bazel: line 89: /home/ubuntu/.bazel/bin/bazel-real: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error /home/ubuntu/bin/bazel: line 89: /home/ubuntu/.bazel/bin/bazel-real: Success

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bazel
Hit:1 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports eoan InRelease Hit:2 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports eoan-updates InRelease Hit:3 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports eoan-backports InRelease Hit:4 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports eoan-security InRelease Hit:5 https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable InRelease Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package bazel


Bazel 发布二进制文件是为 x86_64 构建的。

您需要 bootstrap Bazel在设备上。

关于ubuntu - 在 raspberry pi 4 (ubuntu 19.10) 上安装 bazel 时出现问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58544091/


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