php - PayPal 的 paymentExecStatus 值

标签 php paypal paypal-adaptive-payments paypal-nvp

我的 PHP 中有以下代码,我猜它会启动 PayPal 付款:

$resArray = CallPay (   $actionType, $cancelUrl, $returnUrl, $currencyCode, $receiverEmailArray,
                        $receiverAmountArray, $receiverPrimaryArray, $receiverInvoiceIdArray,
                        $feesPayer, $ipnNotificationUrl, $memo, $pin, $preapprovalKey,
                        $reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError, $senderEmail, $trackingId   );

这似乎在 $resArray 中生成了一些特定于付款的数据,即:

[responseEnvelope.timestamp]        = 2013-09-10T13:23:42.650-07:00 <- actual value
[responseEnvelope.ack]              = Success                       <- actual value
[responseEnvelope.correlationId]    = CORRELATION_ID_HERE           <- value changed for security reasons
[]            = BUILD_VALUE_HERE              <- value changed for security reasons
[payKey]                            = GENERATED_KEY_HERE            <- value changed for security reasons
[paymentExecStatus]                 = CREATED                       <- actual value

然后我可以使用 [payKey] 将用户发送到 PayPal 网站以登录并付款

$cmd = "cmd=_ap-payment&paykey=" . urldecode($resArray["payKey"]);
RedirectToPayPal ( $cmd );

我的问题是,如果用户没有登录完成支付,是否有可能 UNCREATE Paypal 根据 [payKey] 或做我不需要 UNCREATE 吗?如果在一定时间后未使用,PayPal 会自动删除此记录吗?如果是这样,PayPal 在删除记录之前会保留多长时间?

根据 ,它说:

In this particular scenario, the paymentExecStatus variable is set to CREATED instead of COMPLETED, which indicates that the payment has been created, but has not yet been executed.



支付 key 一旦创建就无法取消,但它会在 3 小时后自动失效。

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