javascript - Paypal 取消功能

标签 javascript paypal

当用户取消 paypal 付款时,我试图将用户转到另一个页面。使用下面的脚本,它在没有 onCancel 函数的情况下也能正常工作,但是一旦我将其添加到 JS 中,paypal 按钮就会消失。




    // Set your environment

    env: 'sandbox', // sandbox | production

    // Specify the style of the button

    style: {
        label: 'checkout',
        size:  'medium',    // small | medium | large | responsive
        shape: 'pill',     // pill | rect
        color: 'silver'      // gold | blue | silver | black

    // PayPal Client IDs - replace with your own
    // Create a PayPal app:

    client: {
        sandbox:    '<insert production client id>',
        production: '<insert production client id>'

        // Show the buyer a 'Pay Now' button in the checkout flow
        commit: true,

    // Wait for the PayPal button to be clicked

    payment: function(data, actions) {

        // Make a client-side call to the REST api to create the payment

        return actions.payment.create({
            payment: {
                transactions: [
                        amount: { total: '1.09', currency: 'GBP' }

            experience: {
                input_fields: {
                    no_shipping: 1

    // Wait for the payment to be authorized by the customer

    onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {

        // Execute the payment

        return actions.payment.execute().then(function() {
        window.location.href = "<direct to payment success page>";

            onCancel: function(data, actions) {
        // Show a cancel page or return to cart

}, '#paypal-button-container');


您需要添加一个 , 来为每个附加项格式化 JSON 对象,例如 onCancel。请注意 onAuthorize 项的右大括号后的逗号。


        onCancel: function(data, actions) {
    // Show a cancel page or return to cart

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