Paypal 错误 580029 缺少订阅所需的参数之一

标签 paypal paypal-adaptive-payments

当我尝试进行预先批准时,会出现此消息,而不是向我显示 Paypal 登录屏幕。通常它更具体,但现在它只是说“缺少订阅所需的参数之一”,所以

我想知道缺少的参数是什么?。 与APP ID有关吗?

它在 Sandbox 中运行良好,但在上线时出现此错误。

Preapproval adaptive-preapproval


PayPal\Types\AP\PreapprovalResponse Object
[responseEnvelope] => PayPal\Types\Common\ResponseEnvelope Object
        [timestamp] => 2016-01-06T11:02:03.894-08:00
        [ack] => Failure
        [correlationId] => 4d382b98c6be4
        [build] => 17820627

[preapprovalKey] => 
[error] => Array
        [0] => PayPal\Types\Common\ErrorData Object
                [errorId] => 580029
                [domain] => PLATFORM
                [subdomain] => Application
                [severity] => Error
                [category] => Application
                [message] => One of the required parameters for subscription is missing
                [exceptionId] => 
                [parameter] => Array
                        [0] => PayPal\Types\Common\ErrorParameter Object
                                [name] => 
                                [value] => Subscription





PayPal\Types\AP\PreapprovalRequest Object
[requestEnvelope] => PayPal\Types\Common\RequestEnvelope Object
        [detailLevel] => 
        [errorLanguage] => en_US

[clientDetails] => PayPal\Types\Common\ClientDetailsType Object
        [ipAddress] => 
        [deviceId] => 
        [applicationId] => MY_APP_NAME
        [model] => 
        [geoLocation] => 
        [customerType] => 
        [partnerName] => 
        [customerId] => 

[cancelUrl] => http://localhost/auction/create-auction/?post_new_step=1&projectid=181
[currencyCode] => CAD
[dateOfMonth] => 
[dayOfWeek] => 
[endingDate] => 2016-02-05Z
[maxAmountPerPayment] => 
[maxNumberOfPayments] => 
[maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod] => 1
[maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments] => 1.5
[paymentPeriod] => NO_PERIOD_SPECIFIED
[returnUrl] => http://localhost/auction/?page_id=10&finalize=1&post_new_step=4&projectid=181
[memo] => 
[ipnNotificationUrl] => 
[senderEmail] => 
[startingDate] => 2016-01-06Z
[pinType] => 
[feesPayer] => 
[displayMaxTotalAmount] => 1
[requireInstantFundingSource] => 
[sender] => 





使用以下请求成功地为“一次性”付款创建了批准 token :

cancelUrl:  "http://localhost:55182/Booking/InitialBookingRequest?StartDate=7/1/2016 1:15:00 AM&EndDate=7/1/2016 2:15:00 AM&ListingId=119295&bookingId=90802"   string
clientDetails:  null
currencyCode:   "USD"
dateOfMonth:    null
dayOfWeek:  null
displayMaxTotalAmount:  null
endingDate: "2016-07-15"
feesPayer:  null    
ipnNotificationUrl: "http://localhost:55182/home/handler"   
maxAmountPerPayment:    5.00    
maxNumberOfPayments:    1
maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod:   1   
maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments:    5.00    
memo:   null    
paymentPeriod:  null    
pinType:    null    
requireInstantFundingSource:    null    
returnUrl:  "http://localhost:55182/booking/Success?StartDate=7/1/2016 1:15:00 AM&EndDate=7/1/2016 2:15:00 AM&ListingId=119295&bookingId=90802" string
sender: null    
senderEmail:    null
startingDate:   "2016-06-30"    

关于Paypal 错误 580029 缺少订阅所需的参数之一,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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