paypal - 在 PayPal API 支付中包含消息/备注字段

标签 paypal paypal-ipn


enter image description here

这只是我的 JavaScript 的支付功能:

payment: function(data, actions) {
    return actions.payment.create({
        payment: {
            transactions: [
                    amount: { 
                        total: window.transactionAmount, 
                        currency: 'GBP' 
                    note_to_payee: document.getElementById('custom-message').value,
                    description: 'A gift to Martin.',
                    custom: 'This is a test custom field',
                    payee: {
                        "email": "martin@[hidden].com"
        experience: {
            input_fields: {
                no_shipping: 1,
                allow_note: true

我已尝试设置 customnote_to_payee 但似乎都没有记录在通知电子邮件或收件人帐户中记录的数据中。

我还尝试通过在体验配置中设置 allow_note: true 来启用付款人添加注释的功能,但这没有任何作用!



PayPal 支持团队花了 4 天的时间才回复说不,无法完成。


With regard to your request, I have to inform you that "note to seller" (allow_note:true) field is only available in the older PayPal payment experience, and is not available in the newer payment experience.

Unfortunately, there's nothing the caller can do at this time to force an old or new experience and we recommend to collect this information in your website where possible.

所以看起来他们已经放弃了 PayPal 结账功能中最好和最简单的功能之一,即能够包含一个友好的小便条。

现在,我唯一的选择是构建一个带有 API 端点的完整后端系统,并扩展我的 JavaScript 以记录我的付款人的便条。同时,我收到的每封电子邮件通知都将继续包含令人讨厌的谎言:“买家尚未输入任何说明”

PayPal:请在您的新流程中实现一项功能或删除/隐藏该功能!不要半途而废。你拿走我所有交易的 10%,我希望更好。

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