ruby-on-rails - 付款失败后阻止用户使用 SaaS 应用程序的最佳方法是什么

标签 ruby-on-rails paypal saas stripe-payments recurring-billing

我正在使用 Ruby on Rails 开发 SaaS 应用程序。每个用户都必须订阅一个特定的计划才能开始使用该应用程序。这一步是使用 Stripe 完成的


顺便说一下,我在 Rails 上看到很多 SaaS 示例,例如但似乎他们不会在发生故障时处理来自提供商(Stripe 或 Paypal)的回发。




Stripe 会定期为您从卡中扣款。您的应用程序不负责为已订阅您的服务的用户产生新费用。

来自 the docs

Stripe makes handling failed payments easy. Stripe can automatically retry a recurring payment after it fails, and can automatically cancel the customer's subscription if it repeatedly fails. How long to wait, and how many times to retry, can be easily set in your account settings.

我可能会在我的 User 模型上跟踪一个 :subscription_active bool 值或类似值。当用户登录时,您可以检查 API 以查看用户订阅的状态。 <强> API docs 关于响应中订阅的状态有这样的说法(强调我自己的):

Possible values are trialing, active, past_due, canceled, or unpaid. A subscription still in its trial period is trialing and moves to active when the trial period is over. When payment to renew the subscription fails, the subscription becomes past_due. After Stripe has exhausted all payment retry attempts, the subscription ends up with a status of either canceled or unpaid depending on your retry settings. Note that when a subscription has a status of unpaid, any future invoices will not be attempted until the customer’s card details are updated.

如果响应返回为上述粗体状态之一,请将用户的 :subscription_active 标记为 false。在需要有条件地为用户启用应用程序功能的任何地方检查 user.subscription_active?

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