paypal - 单个域上的多个购物车

标签 paypal shopping-cart

我想知道是否可以在一个域/站点中使用多个 Paypal 购物车?


一个网站,有很多商家,也有很多产品。 每个企业都有自己的 Paypal 账户和购物车。

是否可以在一个网站上容纳 1+ 个这样的购物车,如何管理 session 以将商品存储在购物车中?




PayPal Adaptive Payments API

Adaptive payments handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment. Senders and receivers can have any PayPal account type. Senders and receivers are not required to have PayPal accounts initially.

iScripts MultiCart (快速谷歌搜索的结果)

Open source shopping cart script that handles multiple vendors thereby generating multiple store fronts.Each seller has their own administrative area to manage their own products, orders, and shipments. Buyers will be able to buy from one seller or multiple sellers at a time.

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