paypal - SetExpressCheckout API 调用失败

标签 paypal paypal-ipn payment-gateway


SetExpressCheckout API 调用失败。详细错误消息:安全 header 无效简短错误消息:安全错误错误代码:10002错误严重性代码:错误



PayPal API Module

Defines all the global variables and the wrapper functions 


class Paypalrequest{

/* An express checkout transaction starts with a token, that

   identifies to PayPal your transaction

   In this example, when the script sees a token, the script

   knows that the buyer has already authorized payment through

   paypal.  If no token was found, the action is to send the buyer

   to PayPal to first authorize payment




' Purpose:  Prepares the parameters for the SetExpressCheckout API Call.

' Inputs:  

'       paymentAmount:      Total value of the shopping cart

'       currencyCodeType:   Currency code value the PayPal API

'       paymentType:        paymentType has to be one of the following values: Sale or Order or Authorization

'       returnURL:          the page where buyers return to after they are done with the payment review on PayPal

'       cancelURL:          the page where buyers return to when they cancel the payment review on PayPal



var $PROXY_HOST = '';

var $PROXY_PORT = '808';

var  $SandboxFlag = false;


//' PayPal API Credentials

//' Replace <API_USERNAME> with your API Username

//' Replace <API_PASSWORD> with your API Password

//' Replace <API_SIGNATURE> with your Signature


/* var  $API_UserName="USERNAMER HERE";

var $API_Password="PASSWORD HERE";

var $API_Signature="SIGNATURE HERE";*/

 var  $API_UserName="USERNAME HERE";

var $API_Password="PASSWORD HERE";

var $API_Signature="SIGNATURE HERE"; 

// BN Code  is only applicable for partners

var  $sBNCode = "PP-ECWizard";


' Define the PayPal Redirect URLs.  

'   This is the URL that the buyer is first sent to do authorize payment with their paypal account

'   change the URL depending if you are testing on the sandbox or the live PayPal site


' For the sandbox, the URL is

' For the live site, the URL is


var $USE_PROXY = false;

var $version="64";

var $API_Endpoint;


    public function __construct(){

$this->PROXY_HOST = '';

$this->PROXY_PORT = '808';

$this->SandboxFlag = false;

/* $this->API_UserName="USERNAME HERE";

$this->API_Password="PASSWORD HERE";

$this->API_Signature="SIGNATURE HERE"; */

 $this->API_UserName="USERNAME HERE";

$this->API_Password="PASSWORD HERE";

$this->API_Signature="SIGNATURE HERE";

// BN Code  is only applicable for partners

$this->sBNCode = "PP-ECWizard";

if ($this->SandboxFlag == true) 


    $this->API_Endpoint = "";

    $this->PAYPAL_URL ="";




    $this->API_Endpoint = "";

    $this->PAYPAL_URL = "";


$this->USE_PROXY = false;


if (session_id() == "") 



public function CallShortcutExpressCheckout( $paymentAmount, $currencyCodeType, $paymentType, $returnURL, $cancelURL,$packageName) 



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